Dosch 3D: Splash Effects Sample
Win32 a 64, ČeštinaDOSCH DESIGN
It contains a sample of a very detailed 3D-model of a static liquid effect.
Obecné pokyny k použití
Just copy the models into your project folder and start using it to create stunning imagery for advertisements (drinks, cosmetics, food, fruits etc.) and presentations.
Just unzip the downloaded zip file to your preferred location and start using the models in Autodesk® 3ds Max® and Autodesk® Maya®.
Další informace
Známé problémy
Název společnosti: DOSCH DESIGN
Webové stránky společnosti: www.doschdesign.com
Kontakt na podporu: info@doschdesign.com
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Historie verzí
Číslo verze | Popis verze |
1.0.0 |
latest release. |