Exploded View Generator

Exploded View Generator

Win32 i 64, Polski (Polish)

Bogdan Bogdanovic
This script creates an Exploded View of the object that was built out of multiple objects.

Ogólne instrukcje korzystania

  1. Position the objects on the center (0,0,0).
  2. Select the objects. Don't group the objects.
  3. Run the script from Exchange Store Menu available in menu bar. Please refer screenshot Exchange Store Menu.
  4. Press the Generate! Button.
  5. Scale the Master Control helper to see the effect.

Zrzuty ekranu



The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.

You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.


Informacje dodatkowe

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Nazwa firmy: Bogdan Bogdanovic
Kontakt z działem pomocy technicznej: bogdi.mail@gmail.com

Informacje o autorze/firmie

Bogdan Bogdanovic

Informacje o pomocy technicznej

Historia wersji

Numer wersji Opis wersji


Initial release.
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