JTB SSMPropEditor Trial

Digitally signed app
Edit properties on multiple sheets belonging to Autodesk® AutoCAD® Sheet Set Manager (SSM) or Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture Project Navigator (PN) Sheet Set View with ease. If you want to change properties like a revision, date or name on two or more sheets at the same time SSMPropEditor is for you. Your productivity will increase and you will save time by avoiding a lot of manual work.
Sheet Set Properties, Sheet Set Custom Properties, Sheet Properties and Sheet Custom Properties can be edited.
Copy Sheet Properties from one sheet to one or multiple other sheets.
Copy Sheet Set Properties from one Sheet Set to another.
Increment revisions quickly on multiple sheets.
Paste the total sheet count to any property.
Optionally rename the actual drawing file associated with the sheet.
Export all Sheet Properties information to a file that can be opened with Excel.
Import back the exported file after manual changes have been made. Search or Find and replace can be used for example in Notepad or Excel.
Launch your DWG application from the tree view opening the sheet drawing. The application could for example be AutoCAD, Autodesk® AutoCAD LT® or TrueView.
Workaround when sheet title contains unsupported characters? Have you got 'The name cannot be longer than 64 characters'? SSMPropEditor can help with this.
Update and correct non-existing paths to improve the performance of SSM within AutoCAD.
The software runs stand-alone and does not require AutoCAD to be running. SSMPropEditor will save you time and money and make you less frustrated when you don't need to edit one sheet at a time. You can purchase SSMPropEditor on the app store or visit the app web page.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
Description de l'essai
30 days trial.
I’m glad to hear that you find the SSM tool useful! However, it seems that the tool is not fully developed for some other languages. The issue you’re facing with typing Vietnamese into the dialog boxes is understandable. While copy-pasting existing content works, it would be more convenient to directly input Vietnamese characters.
Furthermore, I hope this tool will have more features, and most importantly, it needs to operate smoothly and quickly (similar to how the iOS operating system works)
Thank you for sharing my feedback! 😊
Hi Bach, Thanks for your feedback. Are there any specific places where you can't enter Vietnamese characters?
Very nice utility I'm currently experimenting with. So far everything is good, except the auto-translation of the app. Since my computer is set-up in french it shows up in french (even though AutoCAD is in english).. If the developpers paid for that translation I would ask for a refund, my eyes are bleeding how bad it is.
Thanks for your comments. The language is taken from what you have in Windows but you can change it to English in the Settings. We got some help to translate part of the text and whenever we add new text it is auto-translated as it at least is more understandable for those that don't understand English at all. We don't charge for the translation as it just is a bonus and help for some users. But as soon as we get better translations from customers we do the changes.
This Add-in saves me a lot of time when it comes to Title Blocks and is extreamly user friendly, I would not go without it at all.
Thanks Jimmy
Good to hear Jan!
Otherwise, it seems like a good utility.
Steve, JTB SSMPropEditor is not and will not include all Sheet Set Manager features but is more of a complement to it. What are the pain points to delete and import using SSM and why would you see a need for it in JTB SSMPropEditor?
This app is the perfect companion to Autodesk Sheet Set Manager. It makes it so easy to update a large set of drawings. There is only one thing that could work better which would be allow us to rename the LAYOUT tabs. When you export the dst file to excel you have the option but when you import it back it doesn't work. It would be great to see this actually working but either way it's well worth the price.
Hi Francisco, Good to hear. Changing the Layout property does not change the layout name in the actual DWG file unless Option setting "Rename Layout in drawing" is checked, if unchecked it should only be used if the layout previously has been or will be changed separately in the DWG file. Renaming layouts requires AutoCAD to open each drawing and will take some time during the saving depending on the amount of drawings.
Thanks for your support Jimmy. We managed to rename the Layouts as well. This app deserves 10 stars unfortunately I can only give 5. Best AutoCAD app available out there.
Hi JTB, Quick question, I would love to be able to actually edit the name of the sheet set property name in the .DST file without having to delete it and re-create it. Is there a way to do this with your utility? I haven't found a way. If it's it not there, could you add it :-)? Thanks.
Hi Seth, this can't be done in SSMPropEditor currently but it can be done with help of either our JTB DST Tool app. https://apps.autodesk.com/ACD/en/Detail/Index?id=2232261532576074184&appLang=en&os=Win32_64 It can convert the DST to XML and then you can open the XML in Notepad or an XML editor and search and replace to change either Sheet Set Custom Property names or Sheet Custom Property names. Below I change "Checked By" to "Checked By New". Make sure to only change where AcSmCustomPropertyValue is found and you also see the propname to search and replace. <AcSmCustomPropertyValue clsid="g8D22A2A4-1777-4D78-84CC-69EF741FE954" ID="g8F7DC303-A284-473B-8A92-BCE9B83B1D15" propname="Checked By" vt="13"> to <AcSmCustomPropertyValue clsid="g8D22A2A4-1777-4D78-84CC-69EF741FE954" ID="g8F7DC303-A284-473B-8A92-BCE9B83B1D15" propname="Checked By New" vt="13"> This can of course be added to SSMPropEditor as well eventually if there is enough need for it. If the above workaround is too complex and you still would like it in SSMPropEditor let me know.
I haven't done extensive testing on this app yet but it's already saved me tons of work. Templates are great but there are simply times when you need to "retrofit" elements to existing sheet sets. In my case I was looking to roll out a drawing revision block that is driven by Sheet Set custom properties across +15 sets with 20+ sheets. This app has allowed me to just copy/paste. Honestly I think this functionality should be baked into AutoCAD from the get go but JTB World has done a great job filling the gap! I strongly recommend it.
Highly recommended! Great tool for users who have a basic understanding of how sheet set files work. Constantly updated. I've been a user for just over 2 years, so far 3 updates which enhanced features and/or fixed bugs. JTB world is great with support as well. He responds to emails when you are experiencing issues with his software.
I've been using this for years, it's straightforward, constantly updated, extremely useful for fixing bloated sheetset managers that end up with hard coded paths pointing to null server locations and other problems easily edited with notepad++
I purchased the full version and its worth every penny. If you deal with Sheet Sets often, especially large lets, this product will save you time if you have to renumber a set i.e. "5 of 80". It took me about 20 seconds to renumber a 120 page plan set.
Makes editing large Sheet Sets much easier. Also works well for repairing sheets after changing dwg file names or locations.