Express Pattern Find/Replace
Win32 und 64 Bit, DeutschAllgemeine Anweisungen zur Verwendung
A. BF_SSP (Pattern QSel): It is a function to find and select a pattern like a specific object from the 2D drawing you are working on.
- Select pattern entities: Select multiple objects to use as patterns.
- Finds similar patterns in the current drawing and displays them in the selected state.
- (You can check the number detected in the command window)
B. BF_E2P (Entities Pattern): Command to search by pattern of selected objects and convert to block or group
- Select pattern entities: Select a pattern to search.
- Select target entities: Select all objects to search in the drawing.
- The results found are displayed in a dialog box.
- Check the cloud markings by adjusting the rotation angle when converting to blocks.
- Click the Run button to convert it into a block and check the cloud mark.
C. BF_B2P (Block Pattern): It is a function to select a block and convert the visited pattern into a block or a group.
- Select insert entity: Select the block to search.
- Select target entities: Select the objects to search in the drawing.
- Confirm the resulting pattern in the dialog box.
- Adjust the rotation angle when converting to Block and check the cloud mark.
- Click the Run button to convert to Block and check the cloud mark.
D. Change dialog: This is a dialog box for setting the conversion of patterns found by the 'BF_E2P' and 'BF_B2P' commands.
- (1) Selected Patterns: Pattern or block information of the object selected by the user (In case of block, block name is displayed)
- (2) Create New block: Creates a new block with the pattern of the user-selected object.
- (2) Find Patterns: Shows a list of similar patterns found in the drawing.
- (3) List item icon: The preview of the pattern is displayed.
- (4) Displays Cloud Mark on drawings: Display the boundary area of the list item in Cloud Mark.
- (5) Layer name: Specify the layer name of Cloud Mark.
- (6) Arc Radius: Specifies the Arc radius of Cloud Mark.
- (7) Replace Pattern: The block to be changed (No. 15) is displayed in the block.(Left mouse button: rotate, mouse wheel: middle in / out, mouse wheel click: pan)
- (8) Rotate: Enter the rotation value of the block specified by the user directly.
- (9) X Mirror: Set the X-axis mirror of the block directly.
- (10) Y Mirror: Set the Y-axis mirror of the block directly.
- (11) Redraw: Display the block by changing the rotation value, X and Y-axis mirror value.
- (12) Apply current block transform: Applies the changed settings of the block to the item selected in the list box.
- (13) Do not replace: Does not convert to blocks or groups (default selection)
- (14) Replace with selected block: Convert list items to blocks.(In the case of "BF_B2P" command, the rare of the selected block and inserted object is initialized)
- (15) Delete patterns: Delete Entities of the target pattern.
- (16) Block name: The block of the current drawing is displayed in the combo box and you can select the item to see the preview.
- (17) Layer name: Set the layer of the Insert object when changing the pattern to Block.
- (18) Replace with group: List items consist of groups.(If you do not select Anonymous, the names of the items in the list are automatically given)
- (19) Anonymous group: Set the name of the group to anonymous.
- (20) Zoom Extend: Enlarges and displays the selected list item in the drawing.
- (21) Selected all similar patterns: Selects the same items as the selected items all at once from the list.
- (22) Remove: Delete the selected item.
- Execute: Start the conversion and exit the dialog box.
E. BF_CFG : Preferences dialog
- (1) Tolerances: Sets the tolerance used when comparing objects in patterns.
- (2) Match number of patterns: Sets whether the number of objects that make up the found pattern must match.
- (3) Match percent: If the objects of the pattern match, it is 100%, at this time, set the percentage allowed by the user.
- (4) Match layer name: Sets whether the layers of the objects of the patterns to compare have the same name.
- (5) Match color: Set whether the objects of the patterns to compare have the same color
- (6) Match text string: For TEXT and MTEXT, set whether the string values are not the same.
- (7) Match block name: For block, set whether the names should be the same.
- (8) Displays Cloud Mark on drawings: Set whether to display Cloud Mark of the pattern.
- (9,10) Layer name, Arc radius: Set the layer name and arc radius of the Cloud Mark object.
- Save: Save the settings and exit the dialog box.
F. BF_REG : Enter license key for product activation.
- Send Product ID by e-mail
- Make a payment with PayPal.
- Enter your License Key in the registration dialog box for the authentication.
[Supported pattern elements]
The user-selectable elements of the pattern are:
- Line
- Arc
- Circle
- Text, MText
- Polyline(LWPolyline)
- Insert
- Ellipse
- Solid
- Trace
- Hatch
- Insert
Symbol in der Multifunktionsleiste/im Werkzeugkasten | Befehl | Beschreibung des Befehls |
![]() |
Command for quick selection in drawing with pattern of selected |
![]() |
BF_E2P |
Command to convert block or group to selected pattern |
![]() |
BF_B2P |
Command to convert the entities found in the selected block to a block or group |
![]() |
Commands for setting the Express Pattern Find / Replace environment. |
Product activation command |
The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.
Weitere Informationen
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Informationen zum Autor/zur Firma
Versionsnummer | Versionsbeschreibung |
1.0.1 |
Support for AutoCAD 2024. No change in version number |