Cadgen Automatic Polyline Router

Cadgen Automatic Polyline Router

Ingyenes 30 napos próbaidőszak, Fizetve


Using powerful algorithms, this application allows the user to select blocks and intersecting polylines, arcs, splines, and lines and will automatically re-route the selected segments, similar to the Visio auto-route command for connectors. Selected segments are redrawn as neat orderly polylines with no overlapping and trimmed with equal spacing at each intersecting block reference. Each segment in the selection will be re-routed if it intersects a block reference at each end, otherwise it is not modified.


Verzió 1.18.4, 2019. 09. 20.
AutoCAD 2015-2020 Compatibility.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

After running the 'cgautorouteplines' command, all segments have been automatically rerouted, and trimmed.


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