Labels on polylines and blocks

Labels on polylines and blocks

Win32 및 64, 한국어

Insert multileader or mtext labels on polylines and blocks. Choose the information to insert, like numbered name, station, length and others.

일반 사용 지침

Type ADLAB in the command line or click the button in the Add-ins tab ribbon to start the command. A dialog box will appear to customize the labels to be inserted.

Below are the settings you can customize in the dialog box:

  • Choose whether you want to insert the labels on polylines or blocks.
  • If you choose to insert on polylines, you can filter the selection by layer by either choosing the layer from a list or using the "..." button to select an object with the desired layer.
  • If you choose to insert on blocks, select the block name from a list.
  • Choose whether you want to organize the labels based on a selected axis (polyline or Autodesk® Civil 3D® alignment) to number the names, for example. This option is available only when the Station option is selected, as the axis is needed to calculate the station.
  • At Naming, choose if you want to insert the Name of the object, select the line to insert it into, type the Name, choose whether to number the name and specify the Initial number.
  • At Station, choose if you want to insert the Station, select the line to insert it into, and type the Prefix, Station increment (m), and Initial length (m).
  • At Information, choose if you want to insert additional Information, select the line to insert it into, and type the Prefix for the information, the Suffix, and the property to retrieve.
  • For polylines, the available properties are Length and Area. For blocks, the available properties are X,Y, X,Y,Z and Z. If the block is dynamic, the dynamic properties will also appear in the list.
  • Set the Text Height and Precision.
  • Choose where you want to insert the labels. For blocks, only "Insert at Center" will be available. For polylines, the options are "Insert at Center", "Insert at Start and End", or "Insert at Every (m)."
  • Finally, select the label type from the list: Multileader or MText.

As you set the options in the dialog box, a preview will appear on the right side.

After customizing the settings to your preferences, press OK and select the objects you want to insert labels on (for blocks, a filter will select only blocks with the chosen name; for polylines, the selection will apply the defined filter). After selecting the objects, press enter and the labels will be inserted.



리본/도구막대 아이콘 명령 명령 설명


Insert multileader or mtext labels on polylines and blocks. Choose the information to insert, like numbered name, station, length and others.


The installer that was run when you downloaded this app/plugin from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plugin. Or, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. You may need to restart your Autodesk product to activate the app/plugin. To uninstall this plugin, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer and select the "Uninstall" button. OR click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other system application.

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Initial release.
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