JTB DWG Columns for Explorer Trial
Win32 및 64, 한국어일반 사용 지침
Enhance the user experience with DWG Columns for Explorer Handler. Show the DWG and DXF properties and metadata in Explorer columns or even in file dialog boxes within AutoCAD or other applications.
Sort files in Explorer based on any of the columns available like a revision. Use DWGPROPS in AutoCAD and add information in the Summary or Custom tabs and you can show this information in columns in Windows Explorer. The columns can show the version of the DWG file, up to 30 custom properties, title, subject, author, comments, created, hyperlink base, keywords, last saved by, last updated, revision number, DWG Editing Time, DWG Created By (can for example show AutoCAD 2017 or Inventor 2017), DWG ID (for example ACAD0001409 making it possible to see the difference between a drawing created in AutoCAD or AutoCAD Architecture.
ODA can show for a DWG created with the Open Design Alliance API), DWG Reg (Version in the registry, for example, 210 that stands for R21.0) and DWG Build (AutoCAD build number, for example, N5200x64). The PROPULATE command in AutoCAD allows quick, automated population of the Drawing Properties dialog data fields.
If the purchased or free version or an older version is installed, uninstall that one first. Run DWG Columns Trial setup.exe. Restart of Windows is required after installation.
You can uninstall it just as you would uninstall any other application from your system. On Windows 11 and 10 version 1703 or later press Windows+I on the keyboard to access Settings or click or right-click the Windows Start button and then select Settings. Click on Apps (optionally followed by Apps & features).
추가 정보
No need to have AutoCAD installed. That means that everyone at your company can see this information. No need to open the drawing to know information like revision and other valuable information in the drawing. Supported extensions are DWG, BAK, DWT, DWS, SV$ in any DWG file version as well as DXF. Column names can be customized for example from "DWG Version" to "Ver" or into other languages. This product is not running within AutoCAD and does not include a Ribbon panel. Elevated user privileges are required to install this product. For further documentation visit JTB World's product page for DWG Columns for Explorer.
NOTE: If you previously installed another version of this software, then you must uninstall it first.
알려진 문제
DXF is not supported on Windows XP.
작성자/회사 정보
지원 정보
For support visit our Contact page.
버전 내역
버전 번호 | 버전 설명 |
5.1 |
Added Autodesk AutoCAD 2024 support. No change in version number. |
5.0 |
Added Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2023 support. No change in version number. |
4.2 |
Bugs fixed |
4.1 |
Added AutoCAD 2020 support. No change in version number. |
4.0 |
Added AutoCAD 2019 support. No change in version number. |
3.3 |
Added support for DWG 2018 file format. |
3.2 |
Performance improvements. |
3.1 |
DWG Created By, DWG ID and DWG Build are new columns. Minor bug fixes. |
2.3 |
Now there are 3 versions of DWG Columns. One fully functional version that can be purchased, one trial and one freeware. |