

Win32 e 64, Português

Keyboard Language auto switch. The plug-in helps to switch the keyboard between English and your native language.

Instruções de uso geral

Just install and use! Enter commands from the keyboard or the buttons, and the plugin decides to switch the language or not. No need to monitor the current state of the keyboard. You can use short commands.

To configure the program, enter the AutoLNG command. After its launch, you will see the following options: 

  • Yes - enable automatic switching. The program itself will turn on immediately after installation if two or more keyboard layouts are installed on your system.
  • No - temporarily block the switch.
  • Language - the option sets the language of the keyboard layout to which switching occurs, i.e. your native language. The program will display a new set of options for choosing one of the languages known to the program:
    • AR or عرب - Arabic,
    • BY or Бе - Belarusian,
    • CH or 中國 - Chinese Taiwan,
    • ZH or 中国 - Chinese PRC,
    • CS or ČE - Czech,
    • DE or Ge - German,
    • ES or Sp - Spanish,
    • FR - French,
    • HE or עִברִית - Hebrew,
    • HY or ՀԱ - Armenian,
    • JA or 日本 - Japanese,
    • KO or 한국 - Korean,
    • RO - Romanian,
    • RU or Ру - Russian,
    • SK or Sl - Slovak,
    • TR or TÜ - Turkish,
    • UA or Ук - Ukrainian
  • System - the second language of the Windows keyboard (except English). The program uses this language by default.
  • Another - you can enter any language. Entered as a hexadecimal number. Codes can be found here in the hex column. Some languages can be entered as one or two letters names. Asterisk - return to the default setting (equivalent to Sy - system language)
  • Main - language selection for Autodesk® AutoCAD® control. This language will be automatically switched after the end of the text input commands. That is, it is the language in which you enter the names of commands and options on the command line. It may not necessarily be English. To control English AutoCAD, you can use any language containing standard Latin letters. for example, Slovak or Polish. The default localization language is AutoCAD. You can select another language from the list or by entering the language code (see above).
  • Commands - Enter a list of switch commands. Paste the full list of commands on which you want to switch the language to the command line. By default, there is such a list: TEXT, DTEXT, DDEDIT, MTEXT, MTEDIT, TABLEDIT, EATTEDIT, MLEADERCONTENTEDIT, MLEADER, SAVEAS, AMNOTE, AMPARTREF, AMPARTREFEDIT, AMLAYER, RENAME


Commands are entered into the list in large English letters without spaces, separated by commas. Use only full English command names. Short command names will not work. The program has no options to add/remove commands from the list. You should prepare the list in advance and enter it all at once. You can return to the default list by entering an asterisk * instead of the list.

You can find the settings for these commands in the A>V>C> Options Palette.

Capturas de tela


Ícone da Faixa de opções/Barra de ferramentas Comando Descrição do comando


Settings for Keyboard Language auto switch, On|Off, choice for native language and choice for list of commands for switching.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Informações adicionais

Problemas conhecidos

If you click on the table and immediately start typing text, AutoCAD itself activates the input text mode. However, the start editing event appears after you enter the first character. Accordingly, the language switching occurs after the first character is already put in the cell. I.e. the first character will always be in English. No idea how to fix it.

So I recommend going into input text mode by double-clicking the mouse on the table cell so that when you see the text editor window the language is switched already.


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Informações de suporte

Please write your questions and concerns in comments to the program on this site. I will reply as soon as possible.

I'll be glad to hear from you any suggestions and comments to further improve the program.

Histórico de versões

Número da versão Descrição da versão


Compatible with AutoCAD 2025


All updates on 2023 November Installation folder fixed


Added option to select AutoCAD control language. Now you can, for example, enter English AutoCAD commands in Polish keyboard layout, and write texts in Ukrainian. Added a new command line option and changed the settings dialog. Now the command knows the hexadecimal and alphabetic codes of ALL languages. You can now use alphabetic language codes in the settings dialog and on the command line. The drop-down lists in the settings dialog now contain only the languages already used in your operating system.


The command is adapted to the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean versions of AutoCAD. Added Chinese PRC, Chinese Taiwan, Japanese, Korean, Slovak, Czech, Romanian, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic, and Armenian to the keyboard code list.


The first version of the new licensing system. Communication with the A>V>C> database server. New A>V>C Options Palette instead of the settings dialog.


Added 2022 support (No change in version number).


Compatible with AutoCAD 2021


Compatible with AutoCAD 2020


Compatible with AutoCAD 2019


Compatible with Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2019


Fixed bug language selection in settings

Initial release

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