7cad BatchFixScribes Online
Steel plate DXF files are often generated automatically by CAD/CAM software. On the plate, there are tag texts, drawn in layer "Scribes".
Sometimes, it happens that those tag texts are not properly placed. They are outside or overlapping the plate's shape, and/or overlapping the slots. You need to use Autodesk® AutoCAD® to check and fix them all, in many dxf drawings!
7cad BatchFixSribes comes to help you in that case. Upload dxf files, select command options, and then click "Run":
+ Autodesk Design Automation service will open AutoCAD over the cloud and load 7cad BatchFixScribes add-in software.
+ All texts will be scaled down, trimmed off unnecessary parts, and moved inside the plate.
+ It is assumed that text should start with a number. If not, the text will be edited. The app will trim all left-side letters in the text until the text starts with a number.
+ Slot can be offset to be bigger, or smaller.
+ Option to draw underscore lines under text if the text contains only 6 and/or 9 numbers. 6 can be mistakenly read as 9 and vice versa, therefore, an underscore line will help the user to know which direction is correct to read the text.
Notes: Texts to be fixed are on the "Scribes" layer only. See the log window for detail of what happened in each drawing.