The STRIM command allows picking a set of 3DSolids as the trimming objects and a selection set of overlapping 3DSolids from which the overlapping portion will be removed without deleting the trimming solid as would be the case if a SUBTRACTION operation was performed. The option for selecting either ALL trimming solids or ALL the solids to be trimmed streamlines the workflow even more.
The SSPLIT tool will create separate 3DSolids wherever the solids overlap. It prompts for a set of overlapping 3DSolids and will create a new separate 3DSolid out of each overlapping portion while subtracting this portion from the original overlapping 3DSolids. The user is prompted for all the objects to split. This selection set is filtered to accept only 3DSolid entities. This operation using the current methods is even more toilsome, as it would imply using the INTERFERE command to create the overlapping solid, copying it and making a SUBTRACT operation of that copy for each of the overlapping solids.
A demonstration of the use of these commands can be seen in the following videos:
Super facile à utiliser. Des commandes 3D indispensables.