JTB DimensionPatrol

JTB DimensionPatrol

Win32 a 64, Čeština

JTB World Inc.
This app highlights dimensions in a drawing for which the user has customized the dimension text.

Obecné pokyny k použití

Once loaded, the DIMPATROL command can be used to turn on (and off) the highlighting of potentially problematic dimensions: dimensions whose text has been overridden and therefore may not match the actual dimension. To change the color used to highlight the dimension, use the DIMPATROLCOLOR command or for command line usage -DIMPATROLCOLOR. To change the transparency used, use the DIMPATROLTRANSPARENCY command.

Náhled obrazovky


Ikona pásu karet/panelu nástrojů Příkaz Popis příkazu


Sets the color used to highlight the detected dimensions.


Checks the drawing for dimensions with overridden text.


Sets the transparency used to highlight the detected dimensions.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app. Or, double-click the downloaded installer to install the app. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to be able to run the app.

To uninstall this app, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it.

On Windows 11 and 10 version 1703 or later press Windows+I on the keyboard to access Settings or click or right-click the Windows Start button and then select Settings. Click on Apps (optionally followed by Apps & features). On older Window versions click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features or Control Panel > Add.

Další informace

For more and up-to-date information see our app page at http://jtbworld.com/dimensionpatrol.

Známé problémy


Název společnosti: JTB World Inc.
Webové stránky společnosti: https://jtbworld.com
Kontakt na podporu: info@jtbworld.com

Informace o autorovi/společnosti

JTB World Inc.

Informace o podpoře

For support visit our Contact page.

Historie verzí

Číslo verze Popis verze


Added support for AutoCAD 2025.


Added support for AutoCAD 2024.


Added support for AutoCAD 2023.


Added support for AutoCAD 2022. Upgraded the licensing procedure.


Added Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2021 support. No change in version number.


Added support to AutoCAD® 2015 (No change in version number)

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