JTB BatchAttEdit

JTB BatchAttEdit

Win32 e 64, Português

JTB World Inc.
Powerful spreadsheet app to batch edit attributes of blocks across multiple drawings.

Instruções de uso geral

  • Run JTB_BatchAttEdit command from the command line or from the ribbon button on Add-ins (or Plug-ins) tab.

  • JTB BatchAttEdit window will show up. On the left panel, there are drawing lists and a log text box. On the right panel, there are block name wildcards, and a wide spreadsheet to display and edit attributes.

  • Enter Block Name Wildcards. You can specify more than 1 wildcard by separating them with ";". E.g. *title block*; *A3*. Click the drop-down arrow button to access recent wildcards that you have entered.

  • Click the "Add" button to add drawings to a drawing list. This also triggers the app to scan all drawings. Firstly, it finds blocks that match the block name wildcard. Then, in each found block, attributes will be collected and shown on the spreadsheet.

  • Hint: after scanning the drawings, the log text box will list all block names in all drawings. If you don't find your block in the spreadsheet, check this list and edit your block name wildcard, hit Enter key to scan drawings again.

  • Check or uncheck the Attribute Sync option. If Attribute Sync is checked, attributes of each found block will be synced with the block definition. Attributes that are not in definition will be deleted. Missing attributes will be created, using a default attribute value.

  • Right-click on a drawing list and/or spreadsheet to access the popup menu of commands.

  • When working on the spreadsheet, you can select multiple cells, and use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+D to copy a cell down; Ctrl+R to copy a cell right; Ctrl+L to copy a cell left; Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste the text. Undo and Redo features are also available via Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcuts.

  • Finally, click "Apply Attribute Changes".

Capturas de tela


Ícone da Faixa de opções/Barra de ferramentas Comando Descrição do comando


JTB BatchAttEdit window will show up. Select drawings, and enter block name wildcards. Then the app will scan all drawings, collect attributes in all blocks that match the block name wildcards, then display them in a wide spreadsheet. Edit those attribute texts as you are working with Excel. Once done, click "Apply Attribute Changes". Attribute values will be updated to drawings.


Use this command to activate the app.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app. Or, double-click the downloaded installer to install the app. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to be able to run the app.

To uninstall this app, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it.

On Windows 11 and 10 version 1703 or later press Windows+I on the keyboard to access Settings or click or right-click the Windows Start button and then select Settings. Click on Apps (optionally followed by Apps & features). On older Windows versions click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features or Control Panel > Add or remove programs.

Informações adicionais

Problemas conhecidos

This app doesn't work with nested Mleaders. Contact us if you have the need for this functionality. 

We got one report that the parts list in Autodesk® AutoCAD® Mechanical was broken. It did not happen all the time so it might be due to other things than JTB BatchAttEdit. 


Nome da empresa: JTB World Inc.
URL da empresa: https://jtbworld.com
Contato de suporte: info@jtbworld.com

Informações do Autor/Empresa

JTB World Inc.

Informações de suporte

For support visit our Contact page.

Histórico de versões

Número da versão Descrição da versão


Minor improvements and fixed more bugs that affects Sheet Set Manager, Project Navigator and Project Browser and other fields mapped to attribute values. Fixed Unknown command "JTB_BATCHATTEDIT" error.


Fixed bug that affects DDATTE, ATTEDIT commands after updating the attribute values using tool. Supports higher display text scale % values (up to 175%).


Added support for AutoCAD 2025. Added a check box in Options window to fix the blocks that does not accept manual changes using AutoCAD ATTEDIT command. Filtering where attribute contains wildcard characters like # fixed.


Added support for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2024. Fixed error in Copy and Paste non attribute cell on the spreadsheet.


Licensing bug fixed. (no version change).


Added AutoCAD 2023 support.


Minor improvements in options.


Minor improvement: added option to set up a default location for export.


Added "Clone selected blocks" command. Fixed editing position error: attributes didn't move with host block. Enhanced multi-line attribute editing UI.


Enhanced column filter. Fixed shading in highlighted modified cells. Fixed error when using (Ctrl + C) to copy more than one cells in a row, but (Ctrl + V) paste only the first cell.


Export to Excel: prompt text row moved to header cell's comment (i.e. cell note)


Exporting to Excel: format sheet as table with auto filter. Detect architectural length texts when sorting column. Fixed an overflow bug in natural sorting. Fixed a bug made length shown as ".5" instead of "0.5".


Fixed an error in working session initialization.


New features added: edit insertion points and dynamic block properties. Working session can be saved to file. Modified cells are highlighted and many more enhancements in the UI.


Added AutoCAD 2022 support


Enhanced the display and editing of fields Fixed FillWeight error in spreadsheet if 650+ attribute columns is loaded. Added natural sorting option


Fixed bug: attribute exported to Excel was converted to date and lost its original text value. Fixed bug in multiple wildcard filter. Sorting upgraded to detect numbers. Fixed bug show/hide columns setting is not saved within a session.


Fixed edit MLeader error in AutoCAD Upgraded to License 4.3


Minor change


Added AutoCAD 2021 support


Fixed error when attribute can't be edited if tag contains space.


Under the [Add][+] menu, new "Select blocks on screen" option is added for you to edit a selection, rather than the whole drawing.


Fixed a critical bug in loading the spreadsheet Solved an issue in the network license


Added AutoCAD 2020 support. Upgrade of the installation.


Fixed an unhandled error.


Fixed an error when importing empty cells, value = null.


Added "Options In Detail" window to clarify the process. Added "Fit All Columns" command button. Fix bug when Block Name Wildcards are multiple wildcards separated by ;. Minor UI enhancement


Added support for MLeader's block.


Added quick scan option to speed up the process in case a drawing has thousand blocks. Zoom to block: including thaw its layer if layer is frozen (with a message at command prompt), Fixed the Open File Dialog to include link source files Fixed issue in a case the [Zoom To] and [Select Block On Screen] buttons are disabled while they should be enabled. Fixed bug since version 2.1: can't clear attribute value. Other minor issues fixed.


Fixed error dynamic block not shown in the list. Enhanced the spreadsheet to show very long attribute text. Removed wrong log text of Import routine.


Add support for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2019 Add support for editing multiline attribute. Add support for editing field code in attribute


Added Import / Export to Excel. Add filter for each column. Fix bugs in columns of attributes with similar tag. Find block on screen. Zoom to selected block Fix bug if block is on locked layer. Enhance performance. Fix bug in some automation cases.


First release
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