

Win 32 y 64, Español

Engineering Graphics
Elevate your Autodesk® AutoCAD® productivity with Multi-Batch! Automate tasks, save time and meet deadlines effortlessly

Instrucciones generales de uso

  • Launch Multi-Batch.
  • Click on the “Add Files to List” Button, locate and select the drawings you want to work on and click “Open”. You can also Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer including from the search results.
  • Next, select a routine from the routines list and click “Assign Routine to Files”
  • Click the “Start” button to begin the operation. This will automatically start up AutoCAD and proceed to process the drawings in the list.

Capturas de pantalla



Multi-Batch Installation:

After downloading the installer from the App Store, double-click on the mbatch24.exe file.

We use the InstallShield installation software package, to help with the installation process, if you experience any problems please contact us.

After installation go to the Start on Programs... click on Multi-Batch.

The first time you start Multi-Batch, it will run through the setup to locate files needed by Multi-Batch during operation.

You can use this download file for installations on multiple machines.

When you require full-release functionality all you need to do is input the registration key.

Refer to the Installation Tutorial video

Información adicional

Problemas conocidos


Nombre de la empresa: Engineering Graphics
URL de la empresa:
Contacto de asistencia:

Información del autor o la empresa

Engineering Graphics

Información de soporte

If you require help please contact us at

Historial de versiones

Número de versión Descripción de la versión


Updated for AutoCAD 2024


Updated for AutoCAD 2023 and AutoCAD LT 2023.


Updated for AutoCAD 2022 and AutoCAD LT 2022.


Updated for AutoCAD 2021 and AutoCAD LT 2021


Initial release
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