Using this plugin you can quickly lay out the details of a complex assembly in the XY plane. This is useful when you are designing products made from sheet materials (furniture, woodworking), and when you need to do detailing, arranges every detail drawings. The plugin allows you to put selected solids in the XY plane of the world coordinate system, regardless of how they were arranged in space.
In a single click the plugin can do copy and a few turns of solids. Moreover, you can immediately select all solids components in an assembly, rather than to lay out solid by solid. As a result you get a neat column of details sorted from highest to lowest with text title. In addition the plugin can:
Find parts inside assembly blocks, arrays, xrefs.
Filter only the parts you need by layers and manufacturing technology.
Write the header of each part with its size and any description.
Find identical parts and group them by writing the quantity in the title.
Make you own title format rather default.
The program can automatically find parts that are mirrored to each other. It can also execute the Mirror command if the part is specially marked in the AVC Properties Palette or if it is found in mirrored assembly-blocks.
Choose which side to put the part up depending on the manufacturing technology.
Mark texture on detail.
Do FlatShot*. Use it to make curves for CNC.
Group parts and arrange them in several columns.
Sort parts by size or any properties.
Number the details, writing numbers into solid properties for further use in Smart Leaders.
The program can сount how many assembly-blocks are used in model space, no matter how many you have selected.
Multiply the number of parts by the size of the batch produced.
On/Off its settings without dialog window directly from command line. Thus you can make you own buttons and macros to use different variants of -Lay command.
Quickly switch between several sets of settings (styles).
Interact with plugin A>V>C> Properties Palette to get the names of solids, to measure the number of mirror parts and rotate solids market as Texture Across.
체험판 설명
To run the plugin, you will have to register your account and top up your account balance or receive bonuses.
- Annual license - 15 Euro.
- Unlimited license - 75 Euro. Free updates for 1 year.
- The trial period is 20 days.
I'm using this tool a lot in order to prepare assembly schemes, it simplifies complex assembly layouts, saving time with just one click. It goes beyond writing headers, grouping identical parts, and sorting details by layer and color.
Thanks Adelina. I'm glad you liked it.
My exhibit detail team and I have been using this plugin for several years. The time it saves when flattening parts for CNC is unreal. Add the numbering and smart leader functionality and it automates/streamlines a large portion of the most tedious part of my job. Alexandr is always quick to respond to questions and help with any issues. I just activated the Pro Bundle today and I am looking forward to testing out all of the other commands.
Thank Jason. Helping engineers is my calling.
I've been using this plugin to the last 5 years, combined with the rest of the AVC plugins (name, smartleaders, etc) it has saved me hundreds of hours. I reccommend it to every detailer I run into. Alexandr is quick to help with any questions or concerns via email.
Thanks William!
This may be the greatest productivity and error checking function for my workflow that I have found to date. Thankyou for making this.
Thanks Mark. I'm glad you liked it.
Grazie Alexsandr , stai portando una rivoluzione nel mondo di Autocad.. Grazie ai tuoi programmi si può risparmiare un sacco di tempo.. e il tempo si sa.. è denaro!
Grazie Paolo. Sono felice di aiutarvi. Scrivete le vostre domande direttamente qui. Mi risponderà.
its awesome. I wish you had more control over text size and text or object placement.
Thank you very much, Matt. You can fully control all the text settings using the current text style (Command '_STYLE )
Могу только присоединится к выше сказанному. Я купил все Plug-in от Александра.Конструирую почти только с ними. Programme ist einfach in Bedienung. Genial in Funktion. Vereinfacht gesamte Produktionszeit(Vorbereitung zur CNC Programmierung). Vielen Dank Alexander !!!!
With this app we save a lot of time making our files for the CNC!
This is the most amazing app. So much work done in 1 mouse click. You are Brilliant. Thanks for adding the extra features.
Amazing App, Looking forward to future releases. Personally I'd like to see - Identical Solid Counting - Order By Size - Addition of Z Axis Dimension, so AxBxC - 3D or 2D Output Option for CNC - Auto Component Labelling?
This saves a lot of time when laying out for CNC. Still have to flatshot and then boundary but a great help... Counting identical pieces would definitely help!
Инструмент неожиданно прост в использовании, сложные сборки раскладывает на рас два. Радует также понятная логика последовательности и расположения деталей. И что важно, значительно сокращает время при деталировки изделия. Alex Che, спасибо!!!