JTB Spot Elevation Trial

Digitally signed app
JTB Spot Elevation is an app to insert surveying Spot Elevation blocks and manage them on an Edit Properties spreadsheet.
Run SPINSERT command to insert Spot Elevation block. You can enter elevation value at the command prompt or via a dialog window.
If your drawings have these spot elevations already drawn by lines and texts, you can run the SPCONVERT command to convert these lines and texts to standard Spot Elevation blocks.
Run SPEDPROPS command to open a design spreadsheet window for editing many Spot Elevations all at once. On this spreadsheet, you can renumber Spot Elevations in increasing order, adjust their elevations by a specified distance, change their colors, scales, unit settings, and many more. This is a powerful command to manage Spot Elevation properties.
Trial version usage is limited to drawing file size of less than 700 objects only.
Purchase JTB Spot Elevation here. Uninstall the trial before installing the purchased product.
For more details visit the JTB Spot Elevation app page.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
Descrição da versão de avaliação
Trial version usage is limited to drawing file size of less than 700 objects only.