JTB TimberTool Trial

JTB TimberTool Trial

Win32 e 64, Português

JTB World Inc.
JTB TimberTool makes it easy to convert closed polylines into mass elements and makes the bounding box width and depth correct for scheduling purposes.

Instruções de uso geral

Make selection of the settings as needed. Select the style for the mass element. Select layer or inherit the layer of the polyline. Specify the extrusion depth. Add property set automatically will add any property set that applies to mass element objects. For angled timber it can be useful to select prompt for alignment axis 2 points. If the polyline should be deleted select erase 2D geometry. Click on Select Polylines and select one or multiple polylines. Press OK.

Capturas de tela


Ícone da Faixa de opções/Barra de ferramentas Comando Descrição do comando


Start the TimberTool command


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app. Or, double-click the downloaded installer to install the app. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to be able to run the app.

To uninstall this app, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it.

On Windows 11 and 10 version 1703 or later press Windows+I on the keyboard to access Settings or click or right-click the Windows Start button and then select Settings. Click on Apps (optionally followed by Apps & features). On older Window versions click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features or Control Panel > Add.

Informações adicionais

For more about TimberTool.

Problemas conhecidos


Nome da empresa: JTB World Inc.
URL da empresa: https://jtbworld.com
Contato de suporte: info@jtbworld.com

Informações do Autor/Empresa

JTB World Inc.

Informações de suporte

For support visit our Contact page.

Histórico de versões

Número da versão Descrição da versão


Added AutoCAD Architecture 2025 support.


Added AutoCAD 2024 support.


Added AutoCAD 2023 support.


Fixed error when extrusion height is negative. Fixed display error when the screen has a display scale.


Added support for AutoCAD 2022. New installation implemented JTB License Manager.


Support for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture and Autodesk® AutoCAD® MEP 2021.


Support for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture 2018.


Support for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture 2017


Support for AutoCAD Architecture 2016

Added digital signatures on DLL and MSI files


Support for AutoCAD Architecture 2015


Support for AutoCAD Architecture 2013

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