Sistema operacional:


AutoFurniture is a set of really clever dynamic-colored furniture blocks. Dynamic parameters allow the furnishing of all kinds of residential, hotel, and office buildings within just a few blocks. You get impressive drawings without digging into huge libraries or redefining blocks. Editing drawing is quick and easy. Color hatches are in a separate layer and by turning it off you can use the blocks in technical drawings too. The blocks are arranged in a tool palette in order to be easily accessed.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 1.0.2, 27/03/2024
2025 update.

Capturas de tela e vídeos

AutoFurniture Demo

Comentários dos clientes

2 revisões
Obter ajuda técnica
  • cool
    Jadmichael Saber | julho 19, 2018

    Very cool

  • Beautiful
    Emil Bashev | janeiro 21, 2016


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