Sistema operacional:


This plug-in allows us to automatically dispatch new entities to specific layers based on their type.

Have you ever wanted that Autodesk® AutoCAD® Mechanical trick that moves automatically dims and hatches to specific layers?
Now you can even with plain vanilla Autodesk® AutoCAD®.

The plugin is really easy to use, just open the options form and define which layer should get a newly inserted entity.

The settings are user-based, so you have to do this only once and it will work on every drawing you'll work on.
Simple and very functional, you'll forget it's activated and wonder why it's not a basic feature of AutoCAD.


There are eight entity categories recognized:

  • Dimensions (linear, aligned, radius, diameter and angle dimensions)
  • Hatches
  • Viewports
  • Texts (MText and a single line)
  • Leaders (MLeaders and simple leaders)
  • Tables
  • XRefs
  • Blocks (optionally filtered by name) (NEW!)


If the layer you defined does not exist, it will be created with a few basic settings (name, color, and linetype).

It works only with newly created entities and with entities created by standard AutoCAD commands.
That means that your custom commands or other plug-ins will work without any interference by comsLayerIt!.

This software is free and will remain free. However, you cannot sell or distribute it for profit, nor you cannot decompile and use the code without explicit agreement with us.


Note: this is the final release. There won't be any update for 2023.
Thank you for all your support during the past years!

Sobre esta versão

Versão 1.5.3, 02/09/2021
Added support to 2022 version. Final release. There won't be any update for 2023.

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13 revisões
Obter ajuda técnica
  • CAD 2022
    Dat Phuc Vo | agosto 31, 2021 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Please update for CAD 2022. Thks a lot !!

  • Best Free Add-in for Autocad
    Clay Fritz | maio 12, 2021 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    I have been using comsLayerIt! for several years now, because it is one of the best free add-ons available. I forget how much I rely on it until the newest annual Autocad update comes out. I am looking forward to the update for 2022! 

    I do have one request: I'd love to see xlines/construction lines added as a layer catagory.

  • Incredibly Useful!
    | abril 26, 2020 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    This app is incredibly useful, and because it's free I give it 5 stars! We should all be grateful that there are people that do this.  

    My only comment is, it would be great there was an option to set lightweight.  But again, since it's free I don't expect anything.

    Thanks again!

  • A Must Have
    Kim Peters | maio 20, 2019 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Thanks for this super helpful plug-in.  Saves me from having to swtich back and forth between layers.

  • Awesome !
    Majed Mothanna | janeiro 16, 2019 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)


    Sebastian Skrzypkowski | julho 22, 2017 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)


    Massimo Cicognani (Fornecedor) | julho 22, 2017

    I'll look into it! Thank you for your feedback! For any further feedback, please write to, so I could write you back when I fix the problem.

  • AutoCAD Structural Detailing?
    Adrian Batacui | outubro 28, 2015 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Hi! First, this add-on is amazing, works like a charm for AutoCAD! I have just one problem with it: Recently I installed AutoCAD Structural Detailing and it seems that I cannot use your software with it. Does Structural Detailing not support 'comsLayerIt'?

  • Set it and forget it
    Daniel Bull | abril 14, 2015 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Very helpful to save time, set it once and you forget its there. Didn't realize how much it did for me until I updated to 2016 and now don't have it yet. Can't wait for an update!

  • Good plug-in
    Massimiliano Baratta | janeiro 19, 2015 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Helps to save a ton of time. Will be follow update with customization? Should be good to extend it to all entities and to block (for each block name), dimension type (Linear, Angular, Ordinate, etc...)

    Massimo Cicognani (Fornecedor) | fevereiro 10, 2015

    Thank you for your feedback! We always listen to our customer's, the idea to distribute block references based on their name has already been submitted and may be present in the next release. We'll expand this tool, but we strongly want to keep it simple, like a fire&forget. Thank you again

  • Should be a basic feature of AutoCAD
    JOHN DEVORE | julho 07, 2014 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Fantastic Add-in, Saves a ton of time from switching back and forth to commonly used layers.

  • Works like a charm
    Craig McGrath | abril 29, 2014 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Fantastic and most useful add on to autocad ever. Missing it a lot for 2015 and can't wait for an updated version!

    Massimo Cicognani (Fornecedor) | maio 19, 2014

    Thank you Craig. 2015 version is ready, check back soon!

  • очень удобно!
    eugene froogie | outubro 24, 2013 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    жаль только мало параметров

  • 图层
    xianhui xiao | agosto 29, 2013 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)


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