ArchBlocks Titleblocks in Paperspace

ArchBlocks Titleblocks in Paperspace



If you are new to designing and drawing with Autodesk® AutoCAD® software, be sure to check out these of AutoCAD titleblocks in Paperspace.

This set of Paperspace titleblocks is the best way to get your CAD projects started. Don’t waste time with trying to figure out drawing startup settings, or trying to design an architectural titleblock and border. Our drawing titleblocks have all the main architectural settings already done for you, including dimension styles for all the architectural scale factors.

We use the AIA CAD Layer Guidelines for industry standard layer names to start a basic layer list. The titleblocks are set up as Paperspace layouts so you can delete whatever sheet sizes you don’t need, and you can plot to any scale factor that you need.

Included in this Paperspace Titleblocks library are the following: Sheet sizes A 8.5x11, both landscape and portrait, B 11x17, C 12x18, D 24x36, E 30x42.

Basic layer list. Dimension styles. Border and titleblocks. Modelspace viewport.


版本 1.0.1, 2019/5/23
Added support to Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2020 (no change in version number).


8.5"x11" Portrait titleblock layout in Paperspace.


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