Kwant.ai is a real-time construction job site intelligence platform that increases productivity and safety. By pairing wearable technology with our visual scheduling software (4D BIM), Kwant.ai helps contractors to leverage the power of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict risk and provide actionable information to project team leads.
How does it work?
By using Smart Badges, Kwant shows teams exactly who is on their sites, for how long, and what areas trades are operating in. This combination of technology and actual site information allows teams to stay up-to-date on mission-critical activities- made even more valuable by integrating with 3D Building Information Models.
Kwant.ai and Autodesk® Construction Cloud integrations enable users to easily and efficiently utilize 3D BIM data and distribute this information instantaneously across various teams, systems, and processes. The Forge platform is used to extract and translate the design data from the original file, so that dispersed teams in the construction process can collaborate in real-time, track and update project progress with just a swipe.
The combination of Autodesk’s dynamic planning solution layered with Kwant.ai’s real-time activity reporting is a powerful one. See for yourself how you can watch data and the real world come together to propel construction sites into the future.
Note: App is compatible with Autodesk® BIM 360® Docs and Autodesk® BIM 360® Team.
Descripción de la versión de prueba
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