Write Drawings' Names to text file

Write Drawings' Names to text file

Win32 and 64, English

Tharwat Al Shoufi
This app helps to export your drawing files' names which are of .dwg format to a text file.

General Usage Instructions

Launch the ListDwgs.exe file to start the program.

The program allows the user to select a folder by hitting the select button (>>). Then it will append the drawings' names that are found in the selected folder with the extension of *.dwg in the program.

The user can add any number of drawings' names in the program to export to a text file by hitting the select button (>>) and choosing the folder with the drawings.

Once done select the button 'Write to txt file', then a new dialog will appear to save and to specify the location of the text file. After saving the text file the file will open automatically.




Download the ListDwgs.exe from the Autodesk App Store. Double click on the ListDwgs.exe file to launch the application.

To Uninstall: click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Tharwat Al Shoufi
Support Contact: tharwat313@yahoo.com

Author/Company Information

Tharwat Al Shoufi

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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