Smart Drawing Utilities

Smart Drawing Utilities

Win 32 y 64, Español

Benovi Engineering, Ltd.
The application contains additional commands for modifying and creating certain graphic objects, in particular - polylines.

Instrucciones generales de uso

Simply run the desired command and follow its prompts.

Capturas de pantalla


Icono de la cinta de opciones/barra de herramientas Comando Descripción del comando


Simplifies polyline by removing vertices using Douglas-Peucker Reduction. The distance dimension ε is user-defined. Supported are polyline entities.


Tries to join all lines connected to base one. Something like joining back exploded polyline. Supported are line entities.


Creates convex hull using Grahams Scan. Supported are polylines (2D,3D), lines, circles, points, block references and dtext entities.


Select all lines connected to base one. Something like connecting back exploded polyline. A tolerance is provided. Supported are line entities.


Clears polylinear region from entities. Supported entities are point, circle, block reference, dtext, line and polylines. Linear entities are trimmed or removed, the other entities are removed if inside region.


Creates vertices on polyline at specific interval. It is very suitable for the positioning of point objects along a linear axis. The vertices at specific interval replaces the original polyline vertices. Supported are polyline entities.


Measures and displays the 2D and 3D distance, X-, Y- and Z- difference and the Geodetic Direction between two points.


Converts 3D polylines to 2D polylines.


Converts all 3D polylines in drawing to 2D polylines.


Creates markers (points or circles) at polyline's vertices. Supported are polyline entities.


Find a visual center of a polygon. The algorithm is described here:


Break an object with mouse click; repeat operation as many times as needed


Add vertices on polyline's crossing with another polylines


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8/8.1/10) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Información adicional

If you have ideas for great similar features, please let us know, and we will try to provide it in this package.

Problemas conocidos


Nombre de la empresa: Benovi Engineering, Ltd.
URL de la empresa:
Contacto de asistencia:

Información del autor o la empresa

Benovi Engineering, Ltd.

Información de soporte

For bug report or feature request, please send e-mail to

Historial de versiones

Número de versión Descripción de la versión


New command: CADMinPlineVertexOnCross, which adds vertexes on polylines crossings


Added Smart Break and Polylabel Functions. App renamed from Drawing Tools to Smart Drawing Utilities


Added support for arcs in split command; Fixed compatibility for 2018 and 2019 versions


1.0: Initial release 1.1: Added support for arcs in split command; Fixed compatibility for 2018 and 2019 versions


Initial release
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