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TBN2NET - plugins para Engenharia
Plugin for creating descriptive memorials for parcels and subdivisions.

Instrucciones generales de uso

In Autodesk® AutoCAD®, lots are represented as closed polylines.

The names of the lots, streets, and points are created using blocks with attributes, as shown in the .dwg sample provided in the package.

For detailed instructions on using the commands, refer to the C3DMEMO Help documentation.

Capturas de pantalla


Icono de la cinta de opciones/barra de herramientas Comando Descripción del comando


Cria CogoPoints nos vértices dos parcels


Fornece subsídios para validar os lotes


Cria memoriais descritivos do tipo texto


Define manualmente os lados do lote


Cria tabelas e insere no desenho


Cria layouts com folha de cada lote selecionado


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Información adicional

In the program package, you have the help files "C3DMEMOen.chm" and "TBN2NETen.chm" and also the file "README_C3DMEMO.txt" with the explanation of how to use the program.

Please read them carefully. If you prefer to see the online help: https://tbn2net.com/help/C3DMEMOen

Problemas conocidos

In some cases, it may be necessary to unlock the plugin's dlls. Locate the installation folder.

To unlock, right-click on the DLLs;

Click Properties;

On the General tab, click the Unlock option, if it exists.

The same goes for the help files (chm) if they do not open.


Nombre de la empresa: TBN2NET - plugins para Engenharia
URL de la empresa: https://tbn2net.com
Contacto de asistencia: neyton@tbn2net.com

Información del autor o la empresa

TBN2NET - plugins para Engenharia

Información de soporte

Historial de versiones

Número de versión Descripción de la versión


Fixed "System.NotSupportedException: No data is available for encoding 1252" bug Digital signed plugin Added support for AutoCAD and Civil 3D 2025 ​


Small bug fixes Added support to AutoCAD and Civil 3D 2024


Added improvements to preventing near points Added improvements to batch virtual vertex detection Added confronting detection improvements


Bug fixes Add new command: AddDimOnParcels Add new command: AddIdOnParcels


Added support to Civil 3D and Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2018. New license server.


  1. Add Expansive property type 
  2. Better Table Macro Editor 
  3. Add tables into ParcelSheetCreator 
  4. Added direct access to property: front, back, left, right, north, south, east, west of lots 
  5. Fixed bug that repeated segments directions and sides 


  1. Now, the description of the polygon segments begin with the initial vertex of it, not the zero vertex 
  2. Added the North and East (UTM coordinates) to the vertices of the polygon 
  3. Added conversion of Lat,Lon/UTM/Local coordinates using the GEOGRAPHICLOCATION AutoCAD command 
  4. Added the possibility to describe the lots being viewed from inside or from outside 
  5. Added the ability to change the description order of sides, but always starting from the front 
  6. Added the ability to change the description order of orientations, but always starting from the north 
  7. Added the possibility to insert table in the command LegaldDescriptionCreator 
  8. Now, the commands LegaldDescriptionCreator and ParcelSheetCreator remember what was the last template used 
  9. Now, ParcelSheetCreator can center the viewport in sites or parcel 
  10. Tables can be formatted to display background color, alignment and borders 
  11. Added progress meter when processing 
  12. Added ownership of the lots selected area and total area in allotment and sites 
  13. Simplified how the program writes macros, now they are shorter, similar to the Civil 3D 
  14. TableCreator command was removed, once the LegalDescriptionCreator command now also generates tables 
  15. Bug fix with confronting search 


    1. Fixed bug that occurred when clicking the Select block button when using the program for AutoCAD.
    2. Fixed bug with unit of measure in some templates.
    3. Fixed bug in the message displayed when trying to delete a row or column in the TableCreator screen.
    4. CreatePointsOnParcels no longer creates duplicate points at the vertices that already have a point.
    5. Fixed bug that allows you to select polyline which is not a parcel.


    1. Fixed translation of abbreviated numbers.
    2. Add Chord for arc segments.
    3. Improved formatting angles.
    4. Added field for description of the property in the macro editor.
    5. Now you can choose the order description of lots: clockwise, counterclockwise or leave as designed.


    1. Add support to Civil 3D and AutoCAD for 2016.


    1. Added new command MEMOVALIDA.
    2. Added new command DEFLADOS.
    3. Help review.
    4. Bug fix in centroid calculus.


    1. Fixed bug in the version that runs in AutoCAD. Now it calculates the coordinates latitude and longitude as does the version that runs on Civil 3D.
    2. Compiled CreatePointsOnParcels version that runs correctly in Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2015.
    3. Fixed bug "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD)" that occurred in circumstances right to use the command TABLECREATOR.
    4. Fixed bug with the command  PARCELSHEETCREATOR that occurred when the DWT file was not found. Thank lecius !!!
    5. Fixed bug with the name of the vertex when the "Name" property of CogoPoint was not defined in the version of Civil 3D 2015. Thanks Bernardo !!!
    6. Fixed bug that wrote the name of Directions (north, south ...) incorrectly.
    7. First English Version!!!
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