Cogo Stationing
The Cogo Stationing plug-in allows the user to select an alignment and then cogo points. The nearest perpendicular intersect is used from each cogo point and the stationing at that point along the alignment is added to the description field of the cogo point. The offset can also be added to the description field of the cogo point.
If no perpendicular intersect is found along the alignment then no stationing or offset is added to the cogo point description. The added stationing will not replace any text in the description box unless it is an existing stationing with the delimiter '+' (ie. 0+999.99). In this case it will replace the old stationing with the updated station value. Otherwise, the existing text in the description field is placed before the stationing. The formatted stationing string is the same as the user's stationing style attributed to the alignment.
If the user chooses, the offset can also be added to the description field, either alone, or tagged on after the stationing.
Will you update your app to work with 2023 ?
Does anyone know how to adjust the unit precision on the offset? Mine is defaulting to 3 decimal places. Significant figures mean something to engineers and surveyors.
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the feedback! Previously it defaulted to the precision settings of the alignment but is now fixed in the latest version to request precision input from the user.
Works well.
Things I would like:
Negative values on the left side of alignment (as C3D does). A positive sign for right side would also be nice, if the '+' would cause confusion perhaps 'R_12.34' and 'L_56.78' for Right and Left of alignment.
Currently it suffixes the station/offset to the description. Sometimes prefixing would be preferable.
Could a settings options be made to address both?
These are great suggestions. I will try to incorporate them into my next release which should be shortly. Thanks for the great feedback!
Its simple and perfect! I used it a lot on CIVIL 2016. Does it also work for Civil 2018?? :-)
Thanks for the great review! I will push the 2018 version and try and let you know when it becomes available. :)
I can't tell you how much time I have spent surfing the web to find an answer. Big time saver. I used to have a long workaround for the same result. Made my day.
The app functions as advertised, but the results are not as advertised. Here are two problems: 1. There needs to be a precision setting so you can control the number of positions to the right of the decimal 2. I clicked my alignment then clicked the point that was set at STA 19+00. The code on the point was added at STA 1+900.000 This will be an extremely useful app, especially for use in construction layout pre-calcs. For me to find it useful, the two items noted above must be solved. Also, it would be useful to add the offset distance and direction from the alignment. I gave it 3 of 5 stars because I'm sure my complaints can be fixed quite easily.
Thanks for this useful feedback Mike! You are right, I have been thinking about making those changes for some time now and just haven't got around to it, but since you mentioned that this functionality would be useful I can easily add it in. I will notify you when I have it fixed.
I have downloaded and installed version 1.1.0 and used it and it works as advertised with 3 different command options: 1. station only 2. offset only 3. station and offset. For construction layout pre-calcs this is a very useful tool.
Extremely efficient and Simple add-on. It get the job done very quickly.