DXF Spline To Polyline

DXF Spline To Polyline



Autodesk® Fusion 360™ add-in lets the user export the selected sketch to a DXF file in which the splines have been converted to polylines.


Some laser cutters do not work with splines. In order to avoid having to open the DXF in another product to do the conversion, this add-in does that for you.

Informationen zu dieser Version

Version 1.4.0, 27.09.2022
Using active sketch (no need to also select the same sketch) and can handle new API object SketchControlPointSpline introduced in Fusion 360 version 2.0.13619.

Screenshots und Videos


26 Bewertungen
Technische Hilfe erhalten
  • Works on Mac
    Jeff Vyduna | März 05, 2025 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Installs well (remember to quit and reload).

    FYI, unlike the screenshot, the export parameter is a "tolerance" in mm, not a number of segments. This seems to attempt to limit the maximum distance any polyline segment can stray from the source spline (it is not a maximum segment length).

  • Pretty Solid
    Kenneth Meredith | Februar 26, 2025 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    The only thing I could ask for is a Spline to Arc+Line. Some curves need better preserved and at the present, this add-in can't accomplish that.

    However, it gets me close enough. Thanks Adam!

  • works very well
    Pedro Braga | Dezember 28, 2024 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    does the job, quick and easy

  • Does not seem to work in newer version of Fusion360
    shawn reese | Juni 19, 2024 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Like a previous review said, it just seems to export the normal DXF with splines or arcs. Bummer, it would have been awesome if this worked.

    Zdeněk Burda | November 26, 2024

    Works very well even in the latest version of Fusion (Fusion 2.0.20948 x86_64 on Mac), exported DXF can be used without problems in e.g. Inskscape or LibreCAD.

  • Does not appear after installation
    Fhr Phoenix | Mai 09, 2024 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Title says it all, it does not appear in Fusion, no matter what (selecting the sketch, editing it, not selecting it, or whatever)

  • It worked the first time I used it now it does not actually convert the splines. Weird.
    William Donnelly | November 24, 2023 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Idk what happened but I am pressing the same button and it is now exporting as if it never converted them. With some artifacts even.

  • Works perfect for me
    Aleyna Ekinci | Oktober 17, 2023 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Now I don't have to try to convert splines into polies. Wish Autocad has this tool in it.


  • Did not export the curve
    Cedric Van Laere | August 12, 2023 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Sadly does not work and works worse for me as it also does not export another curve that the normal "save to dxf" did export correcly.

  • 使用できなくなりました。
    Umamoto Atusi | April 11, 2023 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)



  • Does not work in 2020 Fusion...
    Karstein Kvistad | August 30, 2022 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    This does not work at all. The program does not appear after installing on Mac M1

    Jumpei Arashi | Oktober 15, 2022

    same here. In Inkspace still some spline can not be loaded.

    Josh Silverstone | Dezember 05, 2022

    Edit the sketch in F360, open the Create pull-down (for some reason), it's at the bottom and will export directly from there.

    Stef Lak | März 17, 2023

    horrible, the plugin is there, but the export is totally unusable, no curves, straight lines, shaggy. Any idea how to export it to cut on laser? Thx.

  • Works great!!!
    Miguel PLazas | April 07, 2022 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Why is this not a default option...

  • very helpful
    Ianbelinchon Ianbelinchon | Juni 03, 2021 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Does exactly what i needed. Creating files to laser-cut. My laser works best when using CDraw, so this helps to not have to redraw the splines in there. Perfect!

  • Can we get to convert splines without saving to dxf?
    Lee Thompson | August 02, 2020 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    I dont need to export to a dfx, but sometimes it would be nice to just convert splines.


    I can save as dfx and then import that saved file, but that seems a bit silly

    Adam Nagy (Herausgeber) | August 10, 2020

    Please ask on the Fusion 360 Forum if people have any suggestion for that: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360/ct-p/1234

  • Works perfectly!
    Ben Krasnow | Oktober 14, 2019 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    I'm making circuit board outlines in F360, and exporting to KiCad and my laser cutter for protyping the fitment. Having splines in the outline causes the import process to fail, or to import with very strange errors.  Using this plugin solves the problem perfectly.

  • Amazing for KiCad
    Alberto Ramirez | September 13, 2019 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Wanted to use a DXF file in KiCad but quickly found out that it doesn't support splines. Searched online on how to import a DXF file with splines but many solutions required to download programs. This quickly makes the file I need. Great job

  • Really nice tool, made some changes to get it to work with the new preview UI
    Alex Lenting | Januar 29, 2019 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Nice tool, to get it to work in the new preview UI you have to change the python code a bit.

    line 8 I changed to:

    panelToUse = 'SolidModifyPanel'

    added this line on 240:

    toolbarControlsPanel_ = toolbarPanel_.controls

    Adam Nagy (Herausgeber) | Januar 30, 2019

    Thanks for the tip for those who want to keep the command in the Model environment. Otherwise it will just show up in the Sketch environment's Create panel.

  • Very useful, Does not as of 2019-01-18 work with UI preview
    Tuomas Lukka | Januar 18, 2019

    This is so useful that it should really be part of fusion 360 proper

    Adam Nagy (Herausgeber) | Januar 30, 2019

    It does now. It just shows up in the Sketch environment's Create panel. You have to double-click a sketch in order to get into the Sketch environment (where the Sketch tab will show up)

  • Great, only missing arc corners
    Wietse van Geel | September 22, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    This addon saves me a lot of time redrawing splines. But for me one thing is missing: arcs are made into polylines with a amount of segments depending on the chosen amount of segments.

    It would be great if the addon recognizes arc segments in the spline and converts them to arcs (fillet) in the .dxf. Now I'm doing this manual using r=sqrt((c^2)/(2*(1-cos(180-A))) where r is the radius of the desired fillet, c is the distance between the two points connecting the arc to the lines, and A is the angle between the two lines to which the arc is connected.

  • Fantastic - A Critical Missing Feature in Fusion
    Kenneth Maclean | August 14, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Works like a charm, and is exactly what I needed when sending parts out for external fab.

    It is unfortunate that this has to exist as an add-in though. It should be a default option during the export process in Fusion 360. Not being able to handle splinese is an extremely common problem when dealing with older laser cutters, waterjet cutters or other 2D CNC machines.

  • KiCad loves it
    Tom Grover | April 17, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)


  • Saved me on this one
    Varnell465 Varnell465 | Januar 25, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Work like a charm. Fusion has limited export file extensions and the program I run to generate CNC Router toolpaths will import dxf format. Wish Fusion 360 exported dxf directly with the add-in but this works well.

  • Thank you
    Evann Dalton | Januar 20, 2018 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Thank you for updating this recently I used to use this and then I ran into the issue where it would not activate the sketch I then cried and gave my puppy a dirty look. No more though!!

  • Nope -> Yup!
    Mark Honeth | Mai 05, 2017 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Had issues exporting sketch splines to DXF the default way, went to the forums, got referred here, tried it and the results are even worse. Ended up just patching the missing splines back into the DXF using Inkscape. Edit: There must have been something weird with the certain version of Fusion I was using because since updating the app works fine. It's the perfect workaround for the default "Save as DXF" which gives really weird results.

    Adam Nagy (Herausgeber) | Mai 08, 2017

    Though the main purpose of these apps from my team is to showcase the power of the API and everyone is welcome to use the source code and modify it as they wish, I'd still be interested in seeing the model it fails to work with. Would you mind contacting us on fusion.apps@autodesk.com to provide more information? Thank you!

  • Excellent App
    Sascha Hirschhausen-Funk | April 27, 2017 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Now I can prepare my sketches for the lasercutter. Thank you!

  • Excellent
    Desire Nwaobasi | April 05, 2017 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    This should be merged by default in the main app.

  • Works like a charm, allows me to export DXF files of spline entities, which I couldn't do with previous versions of F360
    Justin Pither | November 30, 2016 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    This does exactly what it says on the tin. A little fiddly to get started with, but it is now indispensable to me - I use it multiple times per day.

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