Random Pattern Creator
This add-in will enable you to create a 3D model of a randomly generated pattern in a very simple and efficient way.
The random pattern is automatically generated from user-specified base profile, shape style and pattern sizing. There is an option to select the pattern shape between circles, squares, diamonds, stars and text characters. There is also the ability to specify the amount of area covered by the pattern shapes and the spacing between the pattern shapes depending on the required result.
Verzió 4.1.0, 2024. 09. 20.
- Updated Python version (3.12) for the September 2024 release of Fusion 360.
I used to like the Random Pattern Generator, even though it has some quirks. But right now it is unusable. Like in all the Screenshots of the product there is always "Base Profile missing". Maybe it is user error but I cannot recall needing a profile whatsoever as the Generator has created it's own body.
I cannot figure out what to do. Existing Project, new project. All the same issue.
Due to popular demand, the app was updated to use a sketch profile as the base. To use the new version, you will need to draw a sketch of the base profile and then select the sketch profile when you create a new random pattern.
This tool has potential but fails to meet my needs for the following reasons (reviewing after purchase):
(1) usage of the add-in converts your entire history to BASE FEATURES, which makes it literally unusable without some ridiculous fusion cleverness that should not be required. This is a dealbreaker if you're trying to put the random pattern into an existing model.
(2) Cannot just put random pattern onto arbitrary sketch plane. Creates a new component just for the random pattern.
Overall, if your just looking to create a single, random pattern in an empty design then this is fine (albeit somewhat overpriced for such minimal functionality in my opinion).
I develop software, so I don't take leaving this review lightly, but the history conversion needs to be made known to the end user. It is both alarming and potentially damaging and harmful if someone progresses with their design without realizing what the plugin has done.
Thank you for the feedback John. This app has been updated to meet your requirements and the new version (v4.0.0) is due to be released in the next few days.
Nice tool, I love it. I use it as a punching tool for sheet metal.