System operacyjny:


AnyShortcut is an Autodesk® Fusion 360® add-in for easily assigning keyboard shortcuts to commands where it is not usually possible to assign a shortcut*. It also has some built-in commands for Fusion 360 commands that cannot easily be captured and run without some extra tweaking (e.g. Look At Sketch).


If you get any problems, please check out the section on Known Issues.

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 1.1.2, 05.02.2024
* Fix selecCmd error for Look At commands. #12

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Recenzje klientów

25 recenzje
Pomoc techniczna
  • Awesome! As Blender...
    Evgeniy Boryaev | lutego 28, 2025 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    As blender user i used "/" shortcut for Hide/Unhide. With your addon i use "/" "." - for Isolate/Unisolate. Why fusion still don't understand, that Shortcut is gamechanger....

    They need to look at Blender.

    Thanks for plugin bro.... And make it paid and refine it. People will pay for it. 20$ - as easy... 

  • AnyShortcut
    BEE beegs | stycznia 27, 2025

    I'm testing your plugin for Fusion:



    How can I add a shortcut for the commands:


    Activate Root Component


    Toggle Isolate/Unisolate


    Edit Timeline feature



    Thomas A (Wydawca) | lutego 02, 2025

    Hi, only separate Isolate and Unisolate are possible. Activate root component is not possible. These features are available in the commercial Axalea Extra Shortcuts add-in. Edit feature seems to be a separate command for each feature, so they would need to be combined into one. It is not supported by the add-in. It could maybe be implemented in the add-in, but would require a big look-up table for every type of feature possible.

  • Pure Awesomeness!
    Basel Al-Dosery | stycznia 09, 2025 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    AnyShortcut is everything I wished for and more! You’d think Fusion 360 would have this feature built in by now, but no. This add-in has made my life so much easier and working in Fusion so much more enjoyable. As someone who’s always been a keyboard shortcut enthusiast, this is hands down the best add-in I could ask for. Huge thanks to the developer—this is a total game-changer!

  • Does exactly what I needed
    Devin Valentine | stycznia 07, 2025 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    I was looking for an add-in so I could at least use keyboard shortcuts to go to common views, and move around in the timeline. This does exactly that as built-in functions to assign shortcuts to, plus the option to record an action and create a macro for that which can then be assigned. I haven't used that feature yet but I imagine as I get deeper into Fusion, I will. Not sure what people are saying about it giving it low stars, ok there maybe is no documentation but I would assume people using an add-in in Fusion would be tech savvy enough to navigate this... When enabled, it is in the utilities toolbar... and assigning a hotkey is the same as it is for any tool in fusion from there. 

  • Doesn't have a toolbar icon?
    Joe Eoj | października 20, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    The toolbar/panel icon shown in the screenshot does not appear for me, so I can't activate any of AnyShortcuts' functionality.

    I've verified AnyShortcut is running via the "Scripts and Add-Ins" menu. I've tried restarting it, tried restarting Fusion, but nothing works.

    I'm using Fusion 2.0.20476 on Mac and latest AnyShortcut (1.1.2).

    Basel Al-Dosery | stycznia 09, 2025

    you have to click on the Utilities tab, hope this help.

  • Pretty confusing with no directions anywhere
    Hunter Greene | lipca 26, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    All i want to do is make Ctrl + H take me to the home isometric view that you get by clicking the little house but I can't figure out how to do that and can't find any instructions on creating my own shortcut anywhere.

    Thomas A (Wydawca) | lipca 30, 2024

    There are some instructions under Read Help Document on this page ( which points to;appLang=en&os=Win64 ). The basic idea is that you "record" the Fusion commands and then get the possibility to assign shortcuts to them. If I remember correctly, "Home" is a bit tricky/not possible to record. The commercial Axalea Extra Shortcuts add-in has "Go Home" built in (Windows only):;appLang=en&os=Win64&mode=preview

  • Fusion needs this
    Josef Karlsson | maja 07, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Bit slow but I'm guessing that might just be due to it being an add-in rather than implemented by Autodesk as it should have been a decade ago.

  • Perfect for Solidworks to Fusion 360.
    Tristan Schutte | stycznia 09, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Going from Solidworks where you can make a shortcut from anything, even your pet cat, to Fusion 360 limiting what you can do, this Add-In is exactly what I have been missing!

  • Redo SHortcut possible ?
    Leon Mesla | lipca 26, 2023 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)


    Is it possible to add a shortcut to the redo option (ctrl+Y) with the help of your addin ? Or if you know any other solution ? Thank tou for your great Addin that help me a lot with my workflow !


    Thomas A (Wydawca) | stycznia 16, 2024

    I think redo is already Ctrl+Y (Can be inspected using the Toolbar & Shortcuts editor add-in)? The add-in does have a Repeat Last Command menu option that you can assign a shortcut to.

  • What a time saver
    Alexander Wendt | kwietnia 03, 2023 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Thank you so much, such a great tool to improve my workflow!

  • Perfect addon for keyboard shortcuts
    Alex Winter | sierpnia 23, 2022 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Works Perfect for grounding & ungrounding components.  It is so much quicker now that I can have a shortcut to do this.  I do this on everypart probably atleast 8 times.

  • Essential
    Hamidreza Shirinkami | grudnia 03, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Fusion 360 is really lacking good shortcuts. This addon is the best remedy. Well, for me it's essential to the point that it's the next thing I install after Fusion itself. I have just one feedback; as far as I've tried "Go Home" command is not recorded. Is it a limitation by Fusion?

    Richard Corp | grudnia 23, 2021

    Absolutely it is, Ive tried forever to try and get it. If you check out the github page you will find a similar question to yours under the 'issues' tab and a workaround.

    Axa lea | września 15, 2023

    I'm working on two add-ins related to this: Extra Shortcuts provides new commands that can have a shortcut set. It does not have a recording functionality. Instead, more commands can be found by using the add-in Toolbar & Shortcuts Editor. Go Home is included! More info: Note: Contrary to to AnyShortcuts, these add-ins will not be free.

  • Thanks
    mac ito | listopada 30, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Thanks a lot

  • Thx !
    Offi Offline | listopada 10, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Having keys for timeline commands is very nice. Also a home view command would be super nice.

  • Doing what autodesk won't
    Anthony Welton | października 01, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)


  • Must have..
    Mark Lewno | września 03, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Apparently what I think are invaluable tools that I use all the time differs from Autodesks opinion, but this cures that.  Being able to assign shortcuts to anything is invaluable.

  • Perfect!
    Bruno Gv | czerwca 26, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)


  • Works Great, Improved Efficiency!
    Tanner Ellison | czerwca 23, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    This AddIn is awesome! It works as advertised and has greatly increased my efficiency in constructing  models and blueprints. 

  • Incredibly usefull addon!
    Antony A | maja 25, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    With this addon we can assign/change hotkeys for most(not all) important operations such as:views, isolate/unisolate, prev./next step etc.

    Thank you Thomas for this!

    It would be great, if we also could assign a hotkey for such tings as:

    1.Hiding/unhiding sketches/analysys/canvases etc.

    2.Selection filters combinations

  • Awesome!
    Technofrikus TF | maja 19, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Finish Sketch has a shortcut now, so nice! Thanks a lot!

  • Thank You
    Charlie Riley | kwietnia 22, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Now I can shortcut Pan & Orbit. Because I have a stylus mouse there's no middle button as such only a scroll wheel, now it's so much easier  :)

  • omg!
    Christopher H. | lutego 07, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Finally a way to snap to specific views by command:) But do you know why it takes up to or maybe a bit more than 1s to execute those commands? I click the left view for example and it takes some "time" to get there.

    Thomas A (Wydawca) | lipca 17, 2021

    For the rotation, I use commands provided by Fusion 360 and they force the animation. I have been looking into more "manual" moving of the camera in the code to make the move instant, but I've hit some snags on the "Look At" functionality. Can't say when I get around to finish the implementation.

  • A Must Have
    Tim Mecking | stycznia 24, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Finally I can assign a shortcut to Zoom Window!


    Thank you so much.

  • Great!
    Vytautas Vizbaras | grudnia 29, 2020 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    is real nice

  • Good work
    Andrii Duchko | grudnia 12, 2020 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Nice, thank you! Is it possible in the next version to add all the ViewCube arrows as well? It would be very convenient.

    Jussi Punamäki | maja 16, 2022

    This is the feature I've been also looking for. Would be awesome if possible.

    Axa lea | września 15, 2023

    I'm working on new add-ins related to this: Extra Shortcuts provides new commands that can have a shortcut set. It includes commands to rotate and roll the model - is that what you are looking for? More info: Note: Contrary to to AnyShortcuts, these add-ins will not be free.

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