

Quickly rename Autodesk® Inventor® bodies according to user's preference.


“I contacted 3D QuickTools to see if they would be able to customize their program to fit our business needs. Within a week they had performed the customization that we had asked for and it has significantly improved their tool functionality for our business needs. Thank you team 3D QuickTools,” said Brad VanWingerden, Great Lake Stainless Inc., US.

이 버전 정보

버전 1.1.1, 2020-04-01
Autodesk® Inventor® 2020 compatible, Autodesk® Inventor® 2019 compatible, Autodesk® Inventor® 2018 compatible. Improved performance with many new features.

스크린샷 및 비디오

User interface of Rename Body

고객 리뷰

3 리뷰
기술 도움말 보기
  • es una gran herramienta
    Adalberto Lozada | 10월 19, 2022 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    para cuando sale par la version 2023

  • new version please
    Achmat Afipudin | 5월 25, 2021 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    this is great tool, hope version for inventor 2022

    Phoenix Ocean | 6월 20, 2022

    where you able to get already the updated one for IV 2023?

  • Great tool, it helps a lot!
    Jonathan Moller | 2월 04, 2015 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    I work a lot with multi-solid parts and this tool makes the body naming process very easy and fast. This is a life saver when converting a multi-solid model to an assembly. Thank you.

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