System operacyjny:


This app will convert all sheet metal flatPatterns to DXF, with the configuration you want. You will drive it from its main assembly.

These are some of its advantages


* Simple fast and intuitive interface. You will not have extra tabs that lead to unnecessary waste of time.

* You can export to various DXF formats from remote R12 to later versions.

* When operated from the main assembly, it will take the exact quantities used in this assembly, and add the suffix “_Qty_” in your file with the necessary quantity of each part.

* It is not necessary that your sheet metal files have developed your flatpattern. If the flatPattern does not exist this app will create it for you.

* This app will open each file to perform the process, if for some reason your flatPattern has defects or errors in its deployment, it will keep the file open and you can see if any part has failed in the process and why.

* This app will create folders separated by thickness, where you will locate each sheet, avoiding mixing different sheet thicknesses. In this way you will avoid errors in the cuts of the corresponding sheets and nests. Note that you will add the suffix “_Thk_” to differentiate the thickness of each created part.

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 1.0.0, 10.02.2021
Release for Inventor.

Zrzuty ekranu i nagrania wideo

Recenzje klientów

1 recenzja
Pomoc techniczna
  • Inventor 2024
    Eugen Platon | czerwca 08, 2023

    Hello Sergio, is a posible to use this app in Inventor 2024?

    Thank you

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