Visual Replace

Visual Replace

Win32 e 64, Português

With this Application it's possible to replace one component with another by choosing them visually in the graphics window, or the browser.

Instruções de uso geral

1. Open up an Assembly in Inventor.

2. Click on the Creaffectivity Tab

3. Click on the Visual Replace Button

4. Choose the component, you want to replace by another

5. Choose the reference component

6. Be relaxed, the program will guide and inform you if something is wrong with your selection.

Capturas de tela


Ícone da Faixa de opções/Barra de ferramentas Comando Descrição do comando



The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Inventor App Store has already installed the app/plug-in.

You can unload the plugin without installing it by unchecking the "Load" checkbox associated with the plugin in the Inventor Add-In Manager.

You may have to restart Inventor to completely unload the application. To remove the plugin completely, RMB click and uninstall the application using the App Store Manager tool, located on the Ribbons Tools tab > Options Panel.

Informações adicionais

Alernative you can also start the program as standalone program by clicking on the Replace.exe in the "Program" Folder in the main Folder of the zip file.

Problemas conhecidos

In the add in Manager this app has the name: "graphical replace"


Nome da empresa: Creaffectivity
Contato de suporte:

Informações do Autor/Empresa


Informações de suporte

Histórico de versões

Número da versão Descrição da versão


Added Autodesk® Inventor® 2019 compatibility


Added Autodesk® Inventor® 2018 compatibility Added Autodesk® Inventor® 2017 compatibility
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