Quick Trace boundary
Placené, Bezplatná 30denní zkušební verze
Operační systém:
TB- Quickly trace the boundary of selected objects.
During a design job, sometimes you must create a boundary of the set of curves. Boundary command is work too slowly.
This tool will help you in this situation.
With the one command TB, you can trace and find out a closed polyline:
Using Topology technology for fastest tracing.
Work with multiple types of Curves.
Does not support SPLINE.
- Use TB for splitting closed-Polyline.
- Use TB for converting SPLINE, CIRCLE to a closed Polyline.
TJ- Quickly trace outside the boundary of selected objects.
Informace o této verzi
Verze 1.0.22, 29.03.2023
Support Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2023.