KCS Productivity Pack for AEC

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An add-on CAD utility package for use with Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture (or Autodesk® AutoCAD® MEP).
It contains a robust suite of additional commands, along with plug-in features that enhance your work in these programs. A few highlights include a Ceiling Grid Generator, Auto-Layering for annotation layers, a Demolition utility, dozens of keyboard macros, point aids, and much more.
These tools have been developed for and by a longtime Autodesk® AutoCAD® user, as found helpful in everyday work, along with requests from other users. Many users find these tools indispensable. Complete descriptions of all features may be seen in the online Help at http://www.krupacadd.com/AEC/Main/Kcs_AEC.htm.
Now updated for Architecture and MEP 2025 (and later) compatibility.
NOTE: This trial version is fully functioning, with no time limit. The splash screen may be eliminated by purchasing a license (for a modest price) at http://www.krupacadd.com.
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This trial version is fully functioning, with no time limit. The splash screen may be eliminated by purchasing a license (for a modest price) at http://www.krupacadd.com.
The KCS package complements standard API programs for AutoCAD, either downloaded or self-written. The majority of software available is usually generic AutoCAD, which is fine; but bridging that gap between AutoCAD and AKA is usually expensive. KCS is great value for money at $50.
ONLY SIR 15 to 20 usd dollars thanks!
Phil Lloyd Shoop, Jr Architect. --I have been an Autocad user since 1986 and KSC for mamy, many years. As a one man office I have to have all the short cuts to production documents there are. KCS has all I need. It simplifies the more complicated Autocad Architecture contains. Nothing else comes close.
I have used the KCS Productivity Packs for years and have always found them to be time savers. KCS has always been very receptive to input and help with the questions I have asked. The programs offer intuitive fixes and workarounds for things you would think would be in our base packages, but are not. They reduce keystrokes and ease of use make it a very worthwhile tool.
I have been using the KCS Productivity Pack for the past 4 generations of AutoCAD, and when I thought I was going to get it for free with AutoCAD 2013 I was surprised and pleased. Unfortunately I found out it was a trial version with the splash screen, but I was going to buy it anyway so it made it a convinent way to load it to the new version. I have found that several of the functions and capabilities in the Productivity Pack very usefull, yes you can get a lot of the functions from various other sources but it is nice to have them available in one place, and particularly nice that they are updated to the latest version, so that there are no hang up as AutoCAD continues to change.
We've been using this for years and purchased the software after getting great support from the development team. The auto-layering of dimensions and text is a great time saver. It forces all of our CAD techs to use the predefined layering standards that we have established. No more changing layers. It's automatic.
This package is just fabulous!!! The tools are easy to use and easy to find when you need them the most, the common tools are a plus and the Demolish tools is simple and forthright, it’s easier than using Renovation Mode that Autodesk offers. All in all, this package is one of the better ones that I’ve seen for the money. As far as the splash screen goes, it's as common with other packages that I have seen. One thing I have noticed though is the fact that Autodesk has incorporated a lot of the same tools that are in the Productivity Pack, KCS for AEC has purposely left theirs in, but in an easier place to fine them so one could use them. Hats off to you Ken, keep up the excellent work!
I already had most of this stuff in routines that I wrote myself years ago. So I didn't use most of it. Worst part is it hangs AutoCAD whenever it comes up until you click it away. Definitely NOT worth the cash they want to make the hang go away. So, I got rid of it. Not Productive Enough!