Steal from Drawing
Operační systém:


The program allows the user to import (humourously: 'steal') items from another drawing into the current drawing.


Upon running the program with the command syntax 'Steal' at the Autodesk® AutoCAD® command-line, the user is prompted to select a drawing file (dwg/dwt/dws) from which to steal items. Following a valid selection, if the selected drawing contains items not already present in the current drawing, a dialog will appear displaying items available for import.


The user may choose to import multiple items from a list of:


• Blocks

• Layers

• Linetypes

• Dimension Styles

• Text Styles

• Table Styles

• Multileader Styles

• Multiline Styles

• Layouts

• Page Setups

• User Coordinate Systems

• Named Groups

• Views

• Layer States

• Scales

• Materials

• Named Viewports

• Drawing Properties

• Custom Properties


View a full description of the program at Lee Mac Programming.

Informace o této verzi

Verze 1.8.0, 26.03.2024
Added 2025 support

Snímky obrazovky a videa

Main Dialog Interface

Hodnocení zákazníků

13 hodnocení
Získat technickou pomoc
  • Same as Design Center
    Mathrew Marrero | ledna 08, 2023

    Acts the same as the design center. This would be good for mac users since their mac prevents them from using design center.

  • Super
    Stadtplan Sarajevo | května 22, 2022

    Thank You

  • 2021 Non compatible
    Abdullah Bahbahani | dubna 07, 2020 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Steal add-in is not conpatible wiht ACAD 2021!!

    Mitch Church | června 17, 2020

    Are there plans to get this GREAT App to work in 2021?

    Clinton Hill | března 16, 2021

    I can second your comment. Has Lee responded to your request for a 2021 version update?

  • V Good
    Majed Mothanna | ledna 16, 2019 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)


  • Awesome
    Jason A Curebanas | srpna 22, 2018

    First of all Lee Mac is the man. The CAD community is lucky to have him and his gracious behavior in delivering us FREE tools to use. Ive been using this for awhile now and it is soooooo much better then trying to insert a dwg into another dwg to try and get objects in. plus it does way more settings than that. I even use this as functions to make tool palette buttons to "import" almost complete templates in teh click of a button. cant say enough good things about this one!

  • Any chance we could have this tool for AutoCAD 2018?
    Guzman Gomez | dubna 20, 2017 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Thanks for this fantastic tool Lee. Can we have the 2018 compatible version?

  • Unable to interface
    Hector Canas | března 22, 2017

    Thank you for this excellent tool... I'm getting error "Unable to interface with drawing". If I use a Template o a Dwg, I getting the same error. After I loaded the "Steal. l s p", I have the following (steal "" '( ("Layers" ("*")) ("Linetypes" ("*")) ("Text Styles" ("*")) ("Dimension Styles" ("*")) ("Page Setups" ("*")) ("Groups" ("*")) ("Multileader Styles" ("*")) ("Multiline Styles" ("*")) ("Table Styles" ("*")) ("Layer States" ("*")) ) ) Please help, Thank you. HDC

    Co Pi | června 12, 2023

    This fixed it for me..... the source file needs \\ between each file reference not just \ ....... ex. (Steal "C:\\My Folder\\MyDrawing.dwg"

  • v.good
    Hamza Sirri | dubna 10, 2016 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    thank you

  • Very Good
    Manoj Kumar | února 12, 2015

    fantastic tool&Very useful....

    Lee Mac (Vydavatel) | května 28, 2015

    Thank you Manoj!

  • Once again Lee Mac nailed it.
    Deborah Gastineau | listopadu 08, 2013 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    This program is a huge help and works very well. Thanks!!

    Lee Mac (Vydavatel) | prosince 13, 2013

    Thank you! - I'm delighted the program is useful!

  • Works very nicely.
    | října 08, 2013 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Program works smoothly without error. Very close attention to detail and making program useful for all. Lee Mac never ceases to impress!

    Lee Mac (Vydavatel) | prosince 13, 2013

    Thank you!

  • very usefull little tool
    Hasan Assous | října 08, 2013 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    very usefull little tool

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