
Digitally signed app
Autodesk® AutoCAD® provides a few commands (by default) capable of performing distribution and alignment functions. These commands are very complex, making the simple task of aligning and distributing something time-consuming and inefficient.
Align&Distribute is a plug-in for AutoCAD that provide a set of commands very similar to align and distribute commands present in other graphics software such as CorelDral®, Photoshop®, Inkscape®, and Illustrator®. Through this command, you can easily and quickly align or distribute many types of objects with different shapes in the X, Y and Z-axis.
If you want, you can get 'Align&Distribute TRIAL' on App Store and test these commands before paying for this version. The limitation in the TRIAL version is that you can use only basic commands and each command affects only 7 objects per selection.
For more details about this tool, access http://arsenaltechno.com/en/align-and-distribute/.
ACTIVATION: To use this plugin, your computer must have an internet connection (just to check your license), and you must be logged in to AutoCAD with the same account you used to pursue this plugin in the Autodesk App Store.
IMPORTANT: This plugin is not compatible with Autodesk® AutoCAD LT® or with versions lower than 2014.
IMPORTANT NOTES FOR BRAZILIAN CUSTOMERS: Se sua conta no Paypal for brasileira você não conseguirá realizar a compra desse plugin através dos meios de pagamento da Autodesk APP STORE. Isso acontece porque o Banco Centrar Brasileiro proíbe qualquer tipo de transações financeiras entre contas brasileiras utilizando moeda estrangeira, como a Autodesk APP STORE só disponibiliza pagamentos em dólares e a conta Paypal de recebimento da Arsenal Technology é brasileira o Paypal identifica a transação como não autorizada e automaticamente bloqueia o pagamento. Se esta é sua situação e você deseja obter esse plugin entre em contato conosco através do email suporte@arsenaltechno.com e iremos disponibilizar rapidamente para você uma outra forma de pagamento.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
Thank you for such a great plug-in.
I have been one of the users working with this plugin that you have created however, I found one problem with it and I decided to share it with you to update this plug-in to make it much more efficient.
At the time of drafting when I go to the new UCS, the plug-in does not detect it and it aligns as per the default world UCS mode. Could you please consider this option and resolve the issue for the next updated one if it possible?
For your understanding: if you type UCS in AutoCAD and rotate the model space 45 degrees, then use the plugin, you will see the texts or blocks are not aligned properly.
Makes AutoCAD so much better.
I will not deny that this is a very impressive tool to be using, and I do recommend people to learn how to use this because it saves time.
However, I think there might be some miscalculations with the Draw Grid/Detect Grid Matrix Methods. For example, text or multiline objects don't seem to move, or sometimes if they do move, it doesn't exactly touch the border. This is just one of the few shenanigans I've been encountering. Can this be examined?
Again, such a nice tool to be having. Thanks for such a fantastic program.
Would be REALLY useful to me if it respected the current UCS.
Would be useful if the Array/Stretch etc tools had an option to use existing objects and not create copies.
Impressive how it intuitively does the job that it would take so much time! Fast and reliable! Thank you Arsenal!
Absolutely amazing that these tools are not found anywhere in AutoCad - everyone ought to learn them. I know I've wasted plenty of time aligning text by hand. And at the price its very reasonable. 10/10
This was the tool that was missing in autocad.
Simple and objective. Without a doubt one of the best apps.