Pipe Assistant
The app functions include:
1. Turn on snap point: This app lets you snap support, and pipe inline assets like fittings, valves, etc. which by default are turned off by AutoCAD® Plant 3D™.
This can be useful in the case of measuring, and placing new components in the correct position. No need to explode the entity to get the snap points like the normal process. The quadrant points for the circle care about the rotation of the circle rotation so if you have a cylinder rotate 45 degrees (or any degree) the start point also starts at that angle this may be beneficial but also can cause some confusion.
2. Draw bounding box: draw a bounding box around any kind of object not only letting you get the visual of the object limit but also giving information about volume, length, min point, max point, etc. which can be useful in several cases:
- Get notes directly on the drawing.
- The bounding box also can be stretched after created.
- The volume and dimension can give useful information during layout drawing, transportation in containers, etc.
3. Link spec: Allow the user to link the spec to the current project without having to copy it to the project, so you can have a centralized place for specs and the same spec for all projects.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
It's great apps that support design & layout process more accurately. Thank you for work, Quan
Nice Idea, can you add in Quadrant Snap point to be able to snap on Circle Quad Points.
Hi Richard thank you for interested in the app. Let me check it, if possible I will include in the next version.