British Standard EN 10365-2017 Steel Sections
Sistema operativo:
The DIN 1025 for structural beams, as well as the DIN 1026 for various structural channels (default DIN Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D library), is going to be replaced by the new EN 10365. Currently, the norms do coexist in parallel.
This European standard specifies the nominal dimensions and masses of the hot rolled steel channels, I and H sections.
The following shapes are covered by this standard:
- Parallel flange I section IPE;
- Wide flange beams HE;
- Extra wide flange beams HL and HLZ
- Wide flange columns HD;
- Wide flange bearing piles HP and UBP
- Universal beams UB;
- Universal columns UC;
- Taper flange I sections IPN and J.
- Parallel flange channels UPE and PFC;
- Taper flange channels UPN, U and CH.
In the content folder, you will have the structure catalog, BS-EN-10365:2017 document, the datasheet from European steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal
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Informazioni sulla versione
Versione 1.0.1, 23/02/2025
Update installer.
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