Helmert Transformation
Versão gratuita de avaliação por 30 dias, A
Sistema operacional:


Using this application selected drawing elements will be rotated, scaled, and moved automatically.


This will be useful in geodesy for connecting a small surveying net to the country coordinate system.

For this purpose, the user selects related pairs of points (terminate by [Enter]) and the elements to be transformed. The program calculates the transformation matrix based on the related point pairs. Then the user has to start the transformation.


Additionally, the point pairs and transformation parameters may be exported and imported. A protocol of transformation may be generated also.

The test version is up to 30 days usable and during this test, the period is restricted to transformation of max. 30 elements.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 4.2022.928, 17/11/2022
- Version for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2023

Capturas de tela e vídeos

Dialog for point pairs and transformation parameters

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2 revisões
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  • Straight Forward App
    Robert Lund | fevereiro 09, 2021

    Program has been useful for transforming grid survey coordinates to ground coordinates. Outputs transformation parameters if needed for survey instrument. You can select and unselect point pairs to see how good a fit you have before accepting the transformation.  

  • Very good, works as advertised.
    Hans Moller | agosto 04, 2014 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Allows subsequent rotation/translation as calculated by the transformationof selected drawing elements. Scale can be forced to 1 or any value.

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