Topo From Lines

Digitally signed app

Operační systém:


This tool provides a quick and efficient way to use Autodesk® Revit® model lines or a CAD import to generate Toposurface elements.


After your model lines are created or the CAD is imported, use this tool to select those lines and then have a toposurface created.


The toposurface is created by placing 50 equally spaced toposurface boundary points along each line.


If the model lines are modified after the toposurface has been created, the Update command allows you to select a modified line and the toposurface and the tool will then update the toposurface geometry.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Informace o této verzi

Verze 2.0.0, 05.05.2020
Support Autodesk® Revit® 2021.

Snímky obrazovky a videa

Hodnocení zákazníků

8 hodnocení
Získat technickou pomoc
  • Very useful
    Fab H | června 23, 2021 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Interesteing plugin on slope lands and houses integrated in relief. thanks to make it free.

    when do you make for R2022 ?

    Harry Mattison (Vydavatel) | června 24, 2021

    Hi - Glad you like it. I am migrating all my various tools into an open-source product with a single install. You can download the installer here (click on "view raw" to download it)

    Fab H | června 25, 2021

    thanks. I'll see your other plugins ! For me Topo from line is best used on wall plans to decide how the relief goes on one (or both) part of the walls (which is almost impossible with Revit basic tool).

  • Model Lines
    Irina Dibekova | dubna 19, 2021 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Great idea! Thank you for it!

    I can't find a way how it's working with Model Lines. I can't asign them at differnt levels. Could you explain a bit?

    Harry Mattison (Vydavatel) | června 24, 2021

    Hi, Create the model lines at whatever elevation you want them to be to define the shape of the surface. Then run the tool and select the lines.

  • Revit 2015 or 2016
    Fiona Luhrmann | července 07, 2015 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Great tool! Any chances we can get it for Revit 2015 or 2016?

    Harry Mattison (Vydavatel) | července 08, 2015

    Coming soon!

  • Great Effort
    Damon Stein | července 09, 2014 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Usefull app, thanks for posting it. unfortunatly I can't use it to add point to an existing topo. otherwise this would be a good way to add in some actual pads. if you could select some lines to create contours (as the tool does now) and other lines to place points at 0 relative to an existing surface then you could use it to create the top of a pad and the bottom/top of a batter. that would be all I need to do all my topo.

  • CAD Import?
    Bradley Touchstone | dubna 29, 2014 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    It would be amazing if it could work with cad imports as well.

  • OK job
    Buch Richard | prosince 30, 2013 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Does a great job on simple designs. However, anything complex, the results are equal to that of Native Revit Topo's

    Harry Mattison (Vydavatel) | března 18, 2014

    The Revit Site API provides access to create the same toposurfaces that you would create with the Revit UI. This tool creates topo-points on the selected curves to allow the designer to build contour lines instead of placing points individually. But there is nothing in the API that would allow creating surfaces better than what native Revit would produce.

  • Superb
    Siddharth Gokhale | prosince 26, 2013 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    superb will help a lot

  • Excellent.
    Julien Benoit | října 19, 2013 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    great way to create landscape. remember that: "Circles and ellipses that Autodesk® Revit® creates as a single curve need to be manually split into two lines before being used in this tool". good job Harry, as always.

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