Project Sweeper Final

Project Sweeper Final



This is the final release of this app. All app production from pkh lineworks is shutting down.

Project Sweeper is a collection of tools that allow a user to quickly and accurately remove the following clutter from Autodesk® Revit® projects:

  • line styles
  • line patterns
  • text styles
  • fill region types and
  • fill patterns.

Except for text styles, these items are not checked by Revit "Purge Unused" command. Project Sweeper goes beyond just checking for unused styles and patterns. It also allows a user to convert from one style\pattern to another, delete all the elements using a style\pattern and to preview all the views\elements using a style\pattern before removing it.

Informationen zu dieser Version

Version 2021.1.1.0, 13.09.2021
Free and final version of this app. There will be no more updates after this.

Screenshots und Videos

Fill Pattern Cleaner


9 Bewertungen
Technische Hilfe erhalten
  • Vote to add this into Revit
    Matthew Hagen | März 14, 2022 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Hi - I found this tool very useful and am sad it's no longer supported. I added a request on the forum for Autodesk to build in these tools into Revit. If you enjoyed this tool as much as I did, please consider voting to support the idea.

  • Revit Hotfix
    Nicole Winge-Poorbiazar | Februar 21, 2022 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Since we updated Revit to Version 2021.1.5, we are getting the Error:

    We hope you are finding the Problem soon. This App is pretty good.

  • Revit hotfix
    Diana Bela Novo | Januar 06, 2022 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Good morning.

    Since I’ve updated Revit to 2020.2.6 hotfix, I am getting this error when opening Revit and I am not able to use the Project Sweeper anymore.

    Can you help me with this please, as I really like that add-in?

    I look forward to hearing from you.



    Kind regards


    Diana Bela Novo RIBA




  • log4net outdated
    Yulianto Suteja Sutopo | Dezember 23, 2021 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Thank you for developing this addin. It's very useful. However, after Revit 2019, Revit 2020, and Revit 2021 updates, the addin cannot be loaded due to outdated log4net version. Please update.

    Luke Shiras | Januar 07, 2022

    I used the method below to get the plugin to work with 2022 and it also broke after updating to I did not update 2021.

  • Awesome Add-in
    David Burow | November 09, 2021 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    This is a really great utility, one of a kind. Simple and powerful tool for clearing out the junk that can't be purged. I don't know what I'm going to do without these tools. 

  • Thank you.
    Chau Huh | März 03, 2021 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Thank you for this. Been using it for years.

  • Great Product!
    Heidi Pope | Februar 01, 2021 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Sorry to see this go...nice little app, and the one I use the most.  Thanks for making this!

  • My most used app!
    Jonathan Weber | Dezember 04, 2020 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    Super sad to see this set of apps go. Not sure what I'll do to keep my projects organized in the future. Thank you very much for this app!

  • One of the best utilities for Revit.
    Nauman Mysorewala | Juni 12, 2020 Geprüfter Download (Was ist das?)

    This is an amazing tool. It's sad that Paul has decided to stop production. Thanks for making all your apps free and releasing them. 

    Here are all the other apps.

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