ArchVISION RP - Direct calculation to PriMus®

ArchVISION RP - Direct calculation to PriMus®



ArchVISION RP 25.2 - International Version - For Autodesk® Revit® 2025, 24, 23, 22, 21 and 20. (Italian, English, Spanish, French and German) and with the multilingual interface (Italian, English, Spanish, French and German)

The software for the Revit dynamic calculation <-> PriMus®.

ArchVISION RP is the application software of Mcs Software specifically designed for the direct and dynamic calculation in PriMus®(starting from Ver. REVOLUTION until the last and BIM One also in the reduced version (P) of ACCA Software of the projects realized in Revit Architecture, Structure and Mep (Ver. 2025 - 2020) of Autodesk both in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German

From 20 10 2024 MCS Software announces the availability of "ArchVISION RP 25.2" now available with Italian, English, Spanish, French and German interface and with optional modules (Pro) which can be activated optionally for the management of multilevel WBS structures, and the module (MEP) for the plant and system computation, and module (IFC) for file and project IFC imported into Revit. Version 25.2 represents a fundamental and significant technological consolidation of its most important functions Drag&Drop from Microsoft Excel and Word directly into Revit, Quick Computing, Revit Find, and allows the automatic deduction of doors and windows from the walls in which they are inserted, the "Management also in Worksharing mode" of the computations and of the related information, (Listings, Categories, etc.) filtered management is available on three levels (SuperCategories, Categories, and Sub-Categories in PriMus®), the computation of elements and families with "Global shared and personl parameters" the "Computation of stratification and materials (Parts)" also available in the" Muri "," Pavimenti "," Controsoffitti "and" Tetti "and mate families used in them and includes the "Complete integration in the ribbon in Revit", the "Multi Document" management and uses new and powerful "Schedule of materials created and managed automatically by the software" and a convenient function is now also available. direct remote assistance from the MCS Software staff.

ESSENTIALS: To work ArchVISION RP requires PriMus® or PriMus-P® (also in DCF version) of ACCA Software S.p.A. it is possible to download a free trial version directly from the manufacturer's site to this internet: (please note that to download you must register.)


ArchVISION RP and its extensions (Pro) and (MEP) are compatible with any Autodesk Suite or Collection in which Revit 2025, 24, 23, 22, 21 or 20 is included in one or all of its variants. (disciplines) and in the Italian, English, Spanish, French and German languages

In the free trial version (TRIAL) the calculations exported in PriMus® or PriMus-P® include the first 60 entities selected in the project elaborated (quantity can be expanded upon request to 99) and 10 days free trial (duration extendable on request to 30 days)

If PriMus® DCF is used for free (any version) Drag & Drop will not be available and PriMus will be started autonomously with manual entry of measurements.

Starting from version 23.0, new quarterly, semi-annual, annual and three-year rental plans are available (Subscription) and the purchase of perpetual licenses (Maintenance) is also available

From 20 10 2024 ArchVISION RP 25.2 is available starting from 297 €uro

Public price list effective from 05/2023 in €uro 22% VAT excluded and referring to the ArchVISION RP 25.2 version

30% discount for recent graduates from no more than three years


The management and credentials of the "Cloud Licenses" reside in an "ArchVISION RP.lic" file, which can be copied and shared comfortably on multiple computers.

For more information, refer to the following online documentation which is always updated over time

Company and product brochures

List of news of this release

List of computed entities of this release

Detailed product data sheet

Note: This application uses a customized installation program (and not the standard App Store installation).

Trial Description

By default, the free evaluation version has a duration of 10 days and calculates the first 60 selected entities, alternatively, you can choose a duration of 30 days with the calculation of the first 20 selected entities (durations and quantities can be customized on specific and justified needs)

Telephone assistance, remotely or via e-mail is free and available for all customers with the latest perpetual version, for all licenses in the Cloud and also for all free evaluation versions

About This Version

Version 25.2 - 20241020, 11/12/2024
The 25.2 release (Build 20241020) makes the plug-in compatible also with Revit in English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important improvements allows Drag&Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes Quick Calculation and command "Revit FIND" and during the import phase of a Categories structure from an existing DCF file allows you to choose whether to sort them alphabetically or not leaving them in the original order, now detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and all the entities connected and positioned on the host (for example Data Devices) Following the chronological order of the previous versions improvements ... Improved WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Parts) and Category management Compatible with Revit from 2020 to 2025 and PriMus® or PriMus-P® up to the PriMus® BIM One version Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 new global shared parameters for "Each instance" of architectural, MEP and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building "(viewable as" Category "in PriMus®) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (usable at will and need in ArchVISION RP measurements) and in Revit schedules. 3) "SbCat. Reference plan "(viewable as" SubCategory "in PriMus®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) "IdUnivoco" (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION RP) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 new global parameters shared for "Each Type" include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 new global parameters shared for "Each Material" present in the project, include all the EP entries associated with them. Worksharing compatible in Worksharing works with centralized and shared price lists, categories, measurements and calculations Improved management of ‘Groups’ of ‘Groups’, ‘Masse’ of ‘Local families’ and ‘Generic models’. New function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated descriptions Extended, Short and Synthetic from the PriMus® Drag & Drop Text area dedicated to the three descriptions, which can be displayed optionally in a larger dialog box. Insertion of the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double click. Possibility in the presence of stratification of being able to manage a factor of multiplication of the measurement and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Interception of the right mouse button with the appearance of the ‘Contextual Menu of the Variables’. List of "80 SuperCategories", "13 Categories" and "31 Sub-Categories" proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and False Ceilings containing the instance ID, the material ID and all the global parameters of this new version. Computed entities • Single "parts" and "layers" of walls, floors, roofs, etc., (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local families (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall extrusions and grooves • Paint (Revit paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furniture • Electrical devices • Data devices, nurse call, communication and security • Fire alarm and lighting equipment • Electrical and special equipment • Piping accessories

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  • Ottimo strumento
    Gianpiero X. | October 07, 2020 Verified Download (What's this?)

    Non è molto tempo che lo uso ma sembra ottimo. La possibiltà di aggiornare il computo al variare del progetto con pochi click mi ha risolto un mare di problemi. Leggero e molto personalizzabile. So che esiste da poco una versione per Excel e Word, ma non l'ho ancora provata. Ottimo

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