Megara Shared Parameters Formulator

Megara Shared Parameters Formulator



Batch Remap your shared parameters for scheduling, or Batch write your own standard formula for a shared parameter.


This App is based on many users’ requests. You create Shared Parameters for scheduling uses, where normal family parameters aren't available.

Having to manually assign each shared parameter formula value to read from another, or a calculated value from other parameters,

through a whole family’s library is an exhausting task. This plugin lets you do this in a couple clicks, and once and for all to your whole company library 



1.     Batch remapping and/or setting your shared parameters formulas.

2.     Recursive Families Search Engine: It automatically locates and processes all your Autodesk® Revit® families under your root folder and its subfolders. 

3.     Program shows progress bar and current family being processed. You have the right to keep an eye on your automatic bot after all.

4.     Automatic Upgrade of old families from previous Revit versions

5.     Blazing Fast families processing and parameters remapping

6.    This is a License protected application. You need to get your activation key in 7 days after purchase. Each License works for one seat.


·        This assigns formulas for shared parameters only. Of course you can set the formula to read a family parameter (This is one of the main features; remapping)

·        This bot loves showing up, it notes down the time it started and when it has finished its work.

·        It loves to work in peace. You'll have to leave your Revit program till it finishes its work.

·        This App has the exact same limitations and constrains as Revit,
e.g.: You can’t set a type parameter formula to an instance parameter.
You can try your formula in Revit before in the app if you want to make sure of it.

About This Version

Version 1.1.0, 12/6/2024
Added Support to Autodesk® Revit® 2023

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  • Eike
    Eike Hengst | March 03, 2022 Verified Download (What's this?)

    very useful to batch process a bunch of Revit Families to link parameters to each other - in my case "local" parameters to "shared paramters".

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