Forgify Tools for Autodesk® Revit®

Forgify Tools for Autodesk® Revit®

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Forgify tools comes up with 3 handy commands:

1. My Notebook: helps you to take notes right inside the Autodesk® Revit® Model. Since notes are saved in a cloud, when you share your model, the notes are automatically transferred.

2. My Todos: helps you to add and track todos items of the project right inside the Revit Model. Your todos list is saved in a secured cloud when you share your model, the todos are automatically transferred.

3. Filter tools: helps to filter the Revit model.

About This Version

Version, 8/28/2020
We are happy to release Forgify Tools version, which includes new Todos command: My Todo's features: - Ability to add/delete/manage Todo's - email todo's list - simple sign on/sign in with Microsoft Azure Active Directory - Fast Microsoft Azure storage - Angular web app - Multi-document support - Revit 2021 support My Notebook Features: - Ability to delete notes - Export notes as a text file - Export notes as CSV file - Fast Microsoft Azure storage - UI enhancement and important bug fixes - Multi-document support - Revit 2021 support - Includes Filter Tool If you are upgrading from version 1.x.x, we are recommending to uninstall Autodesk® Revit® version first and then install Autodesk® Revit® version

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Customer Reviews

4 reviews
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  • Filter selection rocks
    Nicholas Tsagkos | December 01, 2023 Verified Download (What's this?)

    I haven't used the notes, but this filter selection is very good, please make it available for R2022-R2023.

  • The horizontal and vertical scrolling slider
    Alex Du | August 29, 2021 Verified Download (What's this?)

    The horizontal and vertical scrolling slider is missing. When you change the size of the working panel, a slider should appear so that you can still work with the panel and create entries without opening the working panel to the entire area of the manitor. This is especially true on monitors with a small diagonal.

  • Thanks!
    Diep Khoi | February 28, 2019

    It's really good. Now I can control my autocad diary without using any document files beside

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