Project Tracker - A time tracking tool
Project Tracker is a tool created to assist in time management during the BIM modeling and design process.
With the use of the plugin, it is possible to register the time used modeling in Autodesk® Revit®, counting the total hours of work per file, per sheet, per view or per task.
To record the hours just press the "Start" button. Time recording is automatically stopped when inactivity is detected.
Information present in the model such as the file name, name, and view type are captured automatically. For a more detailed view of your work, you can manually add information regarding the name of the project, discipline, or task you are working on.
The recorded data can be viewed directly in Revit with bar or area charts (timeline). In addition, the data can be easily imported and viewed in other software, such as Excel or Power BI.
The development of this tool is part of a master's research (under development) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
Do you have any plan to update the project tracker to be utilized with Revit 2024?
Quando teremos uma versão para o Revit 2024?
Versão 2025 e 2025 liberadas para download!
There is limited documentation on how to import General Configurations, how to export current configurations, how to access the data that is created, etc. All of this would be very useful for those of us who are looking to track that data and import it into custom databases.
Have you considered making this project open-source, allowing others to help edit and expand its abilities?
Eu apoio essa ideia. Este é um plugin fantástico e permitiria que todos ajudassem a expandir a funcionalidade se você considerasse tornar este código aberto no Github.
Bom dia ! O Revit q uso e versao 2022 ,posso instalar essa versao ? eu acho q entendi que nao funciona .Aguardo resposta
#Atualização A versão para Revit 2022 e 2023 está disponível para download. Olá Livia! Em breve será lançada uma atualização do plugin para Revit 2022 e 2023.
Very useful plug-in, I hope that in near future you will make a version for 2023
Também estou ansiosamente aguardando a versão 2023.
Dear Arvids, the 2023 version is now available for download. Thanks for your interest!
Hello I get error message how to fix it? https://i.imgur.com/9VwKLU4.png
Dear Edgaras, the 2022 and 2023 version is now available for download. Thanks for your interest!
Dear Edgaras, the 2022 and 2023 version is now available for download. Thanks for your interest!
Great news, thanks for the update.
This app is brilliant but really need it for revit 2022. Please can you let me know when ready.
Dear Shaun, the 2023 version is now available for download. Thanks for your interest!
Dear Shaun, the 2022 and 2023 version is now available for download. Thanks for your interest!
Does the app support version 2022? I'm not able to run on this version
Hello Paulo. I'm planning to start working on the R2022 version any time soon. If you're interested in being part of the beta tests you can reach out to me through the contact email. Kind regards, Emilio
very useful app ..can it run with revit 2022 or any similar app compatible with Revit 2022
Dear Eslam, the 2022 and 2023 version is now available for download. Thanks for your interest!
This application offers many solutions that all Revit users have been looking for.
Sadly I get an error message trying to open it on Revit 2020
The message is: "Revit cannot run this external application. contact the vendor for assistance"
Can you please help me with this
Thanks for downloading the app. Unfortunately this is a known issue in the plugin that will be fixed in the next version. This current version is only supported for Revit in American English (ENU) and Brazilian Portuguese (PTB). For now, in order to use the plugin you can change the language that Revit starts up. This can be done by making a simple change in the shortcut of the program, as shown in the support link below: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/troubleshooting/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2020/ENU/Revit-Installation/files/GUID-BD09C1B4-5520-475D-BE7E-773642EEBD6C-htm.html Good to hear from you, I hope that the app might still be useful in English.
Esse é o tipo de app que deveria ser obrigatório o uso.
Excelente para controle de modelagem! Me auxilia no controle e elaborção de etapas da modelagem. E com ele descobri que 3D é muito melhor que corte 2D.
i intended to install the plug but... i've a curions message while tryng to install it
any ideas?
Hello Jean-Philippe. This is a Windows safety feature regarding the installer and as far as I know the only way to remove this warning is for me to have a company to sign code the plugin. So you might get the same message from most of the free plugins available here. It is important to note that the Autodesk App Store Team tests and reviews every plugin before they are published here, so you might get in touch with them to see which safety checks they do before approving the plugins in the store. Kind regards, Emilio
Aplicativo importantíssimo para quem quer ter controle de suas horas trabalhadas! Além disso, ainda poder visualizar e extrair os dados para gráficos e planilhas. Muito bom!
Eis um aplicativo que vai fazer um sucesso enorme! Todo mundo pergunta quem conhece um aplicativo que faça isso. Chegou!
Instalando em 3,2,1...