View Parameter for Detail Items

View Parameter for Detail Items

Digitally signed app



Create an instance parameter named "View" for the Detail Items category. Then this tool will automatically set and update that parameter when Detail Items and their Views are created and modified.


Verzió 3.0, 2020. 05. 08.
Support Revit 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

Revit 2014 Detail Item schedule showing the 'View' parameter whose value is set by this app


2 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • Perfect!
    Miki Karban | november 04, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thanks for the Amazing app!!!

  • do not support revit 2015
    Kuan-Hao Chen | december 14, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Does any other add-on have this function? I'm desperately want the view show up in my detail schedule...

    Harry Mattison (Közzétevő) | december 14, 2015

    Hi, Your 1-star review seems a bit harsh, because the tool does work as described just fine for Revit 2014. If you'd like to contact me at I'd be happy to discuss a Revit 2015 version. Regards Harry Boost Your BIM LLC

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