RevWise Element

Digitally signed app



This small yet powerful tool allows you to see an element's history as it is stored in the Autodesk® Revit® file: who and when created or last modified the element. You don't need to store these timestamps in parameters or similar. Revit itself stores this data and now you can read them! For any element in a project or in a family file stored on disk.


Be aware: Revit drops all history for detached workshared projects and families saved from a project. For workshared models, data are read from local copies - synchronize if you are not sure.

Revit distinguishes 2 kinds of modification: "User Modified" - directly modified by the user and "Modified" - changed implicitly during transactions.


Verzió 1.3.0, 2024. 08. 01.
Now for Revit 2024 and higher. Works also with cloud-based and linked models.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

See who created and who last modified elements


1 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • Amazing tool
    Bassem Amin | február 24, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)


    Amazing tool, I would recommend this addin to every BIM Manager, its very powerful tool allows you 

    to see an element's history, Thank you Nikolay.


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