Curtain Wall Elevations

Curtain Wall Elevations

É, Ingyenes 30 napos próbaidőszak, H


This application with collect all walls in the project that are Curtain Walls. It will provide a list of those walls, their Mark, Phase Created, Level, and if they have been previously elevated by the tool.


The user will then select a View Type, a Dimension Style, Panel Tag, and the offset criteria for the dimension strings. If there aren't any intermediate curtain wall grids, only an overall dimension string will be created. If intermediate Curtain Grids exist then two dimension strings will be created. One will be for each Curtain Grid, the other for the overall height of the Curtain Wall.


The tool will also tag every Curtain Panel with the tag selected.


Verzió, 2024. 11. 14.
Added support from 2022 to 2025.

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