Values Finder

Digitally signed app

Sistema operativo:


Have you ever had the task of find elements that contain a specific parameter value in Autodesk® Revit® and you have been frustrated by the time it takes to do it with a regular schedule?  If that is the case, then this app is for you!


With Values finder, you will be able to find all the elements that contain a specific value in seconds!


Many clients have already tried this app and have directly included it in the daily processes and now the only way they search values is using this app.


Note: The app works with only MEP categories.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione, 13/09/2021
More categories available for selection. Renovated design.

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Recensioni dei clienti

2 recensioni
Richiedi assistenza tecnica
  • Plese add More categories
    Duy Thanh | settembre 29, 2020 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Plese add More categories (structural, arch...)

  • Excelent Tool
    Ignacio Díaz | ottobre 04, 2019 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    I found it really usefull at work

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