Select Intersecting Elements

Select Intersecting Elements

Digitally signed app



Run the command and select an element to select all elements that physically intersect with the element you selected.

Some categories (such as Structural Connections) cannot be selected based on the physical intersection. If any such elements have a bounding box intersection with the element you select, the tool will provide the option of selecting all elements that have a bounding box intersection.

This tool finds elements whose 3D geometry intersect. Therefore, in cases such as when an architectural column and wall are joined and there is no geometric intersection, the wall or column will not be selected.


バージョン 2.1, 2020/05/08
Support Autodesk® Revit® 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021


カスタマ レビュー

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  • Can't see
    Daniel Bertini | 6月 30, 2015

    Hi, I installed but i can't see the icon. Could you help me?

    Harry Mattison (公開元) | 6月 30, 2015

    Hi Daniel - This install is for Revit 2013 & 2014. If you are using Revit 2015 it will not show an icon.

  • This needs more praise.
    Adam Hermanson | 1月 30, 2014 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    Why is this useful? Because: 1. Select element whose connections you want to examine. 2. Click Select Intersecting Elements. 3. Temporary Isolate Element. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
