CADS Rebar Extensions for Autodesk® Revit® - 2025

CADS Rebar Extensions for Autodesk® Revit® - 2025

Digitally signed app

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A free unlimited trial to automatically generate reinforcement for a range of standard concrete structures such as beams, columns, footings, pile caps, piles, retaining walls, slab corners & walls.


Select the structural concrete elements to be reinforced, launch the appropriate tool, or select the automatic generation tool. Specify the parameters to be used when reinforcing the structure. Supported concrete elements include beams, columns, continuous footings, parapets, pile caps, concrete piles, retaining walls, slab corners, slab openings, spread footings, wall corners, and walls.


The Rebar Extensions were originally developed by Autodesk® but due to their close partnership with CADS, they have asked us to develop and maintain the extensions. These extensions work with CADS RC3D for Revit which is a Revit extension designed to enhance the placement, annotation, and bar marking of reinforcing steel in all kinds of RC structures. CADS RC3D takes the 3D modeling functionality of Revit to the next level allowing rebar to be divided up into particle groups (bar ranges), bar marks to be created and managed, and detailed reinforcement (shop) drawings to be created with single click! Bar bending schedules are automatically created and material lists are exported to external production software file formats such as BVBs, aSa, Soulé, and Excel.


CADS Markup also comes with CADS RC3D and allows structural engineers to annotate a Revit model with reinforcement information to convey the design intent to reinforcement detailers effectively avoiding the process of manually marking reinforcement regions on printed general arrangement drawings.


» Request for the CADS RC3D for Revit free trial
» Book a CADS RC3D for Revit demonstration
» Find out more about CADS RC for Revit (videos, brochure, and screenshots)


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer). 

Opis wersji testowej

CADS Rebar Extension is free to use the application but requires a one-time registration. Once you download the application from the store, you will receive an email with a registration number to activate the application. The application will be fully functional for unlimited usage thereafter. You can contact CADS through email ( to request for additional registration keys if you wish to install this application in multiple systems.

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 2025.1.29.0, 08.08.2024
CADS Rebar Extensions for Autodesk® Revit® - 2025

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Recenzje klientów

3 recenzje
Pomoc techniczna
  • code activates
    hossam hamadi | sierpnia 25, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    please some one explains to us how to activate and get the code 

  • Great add in, please consider adding slab rebar option
    Umut Akparlar | sierpnia 13, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    It is a great alternative or enhancement to the built in revit rebar tool but there is no slab rebar option in the add in. 

    hossam hamadi | sierpnia 25, 2024


  • Essential
    Jorge González | sierpnia 12, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    I am an active user of the previous version and I have been waiting for this one, I hope to receive my code soon so I can use it.

    hossam hamadi | sierpnia 25, 2024


    hossam hamadi | sierpnia 25, 2024


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