FR Toolkit
Sistema operacional:


The FR Toolkit empowers users to experience a more flexible and controlled design process by identifying issues encountered in daily routines within Autodesk® Revit®.


During the collaboration, it can be time-consuming for users to close Revit and reopen it as detached from the central model. The FR Toolkit facilitates users in detaching the current file from the central model efficiently.


In certain project deliveries, clients may require models to exclude "Generic Model" and "Model-in-Place" families due to documentation processes. However, when multiple individuals work on the same file for an extended period, identifying these instances in the model can be challenging. The FR Toolkit features a capability to systematically detect and present each of these instances to users, who can then choose to delete, modify, or retain them.


In projects with multiple phases, tracking all phases in the modeling process can be cumbersome. Additionally, after completing the modeling phase, selecting and modifying the phases of multiple elements simultaneously in Revit is challenging. The FR Toolkit addresses these challenges, allowing users to easily manage phases during the modeling process. Furthermore, the tool provides the ability to identify elements in the wrong phase, offering enhanced control over the BIM model.


In summary, the FR Toolkit enhances control over multipartner BIM models, aiding in error prevention during deliveries and saving valuable time.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 1.1.0, 19/04/2024
The version comprises four primary features: creating a detached model, checking model In-place elements, inspecting generic models, and adjusting the phases of elements. Video is added.

Capturas de tela e vídeos

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2 revisões
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  • Great plugin!
    Ozan Yetkin | março 20, 2024 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Great plugin to resolve the time consuming things in the project delivery workflow. Hope there will be more to come like this!

  • Awesome!!!
    Anil Bora | março 20, 2024

    We have been using it in lots of projects and it made much easier to work in Revit. No doubt it will be useful for others as well.

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